How to extend Kaspersky

How to extend Kaspersky

Have you already managed to evaluate all the advantages of Kaspersky Anti-Virus? Your anti-virus reliably blocks dangerous programs, and you are without fear download files from the Internet and used to calmly trust him by the safety of your computer? Unfortunately, this happiness is not infinitely, the license to the antivirus program periodically needs to be extended. Probably now you want to know how to extend Kaspersky.

Before renewing your anti-virus provision, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with other versions of the product on official website. The trial period of the downloaded program is valid for 30 days. Make sure you use exactly the option of Kaspersky, which suits your computer most.

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You can extend Kaspersky by the official by purchasing a license from the proven providers of the Kspersky Lab, list which are shown on the site. This is, although the costly, but most convenient way, as you get other than quality licensed software, technical support for program developers and can always contact them on any questions.

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If this option does not afford you, there is another way. First open your Kaspersky Anti-Virus. In the window you will see the inscription "Safety under threat" and the indication that the license is absent. In the lower right corner there is an inscription "Enter the activation code". You go there. The window will tell you that the program is not activated, and you have 2 options: "activate the program" or "buy an activation code". Click on "activate the program" and see here such a window.

Now you need keys. On the Internet there are plenty of sites where you can find the keys to your antivirus. I propose to use that. Swing the archive with the keys and choose those that fit your program by year.

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In the "Select Activation Method" left "to" activate the license version "and enter the letter" A "to the very end, the latter set the number 3 (as in the example below). Disconnect the Internet. ATTENTION: Be sure to turn off the Internet at this stage! Otherwise, the next window that you will see will be with the inscription "Activation Error".

Now press the "Next" button and see the inscription "failed to activate the program." Do not worry, everything is correct. Click "Overview" and look for a folder with the keys you downloaded earlier. Choose the desired file and click "Next".

The next window that you will see is "activation is successfully completed." Click the "Complete" button. Below will be the inscription "left." Prescribed opposite the number - the number of days left until the expiration date of the license. Now you can update the databases and check your computer for viruses. Just do not forget to turn on the Internet.

At the moment, there is a large selection of KasperSy Anti-Virus products, from which you can choose the perfect solution for you. This antivirus will protect your car from any threats, cure infected files and stops any attempts to penetrate your personal computer from the outside. Well, to extend Kaspersky you can always easily use the method given in the article.

Comments leave a comment
Michael 27/02/2016 at 9:26.

I doubt that Kaspersky specials did not read this site. Goat is clear, Kasper has provided everything. Just periodically start checking your products over the network and Batz, here it is "patient". And our broken Casper works from the strength of the month. And then buy or turn off the keys again.

To answer
Mukhachev Igor Semenovich 21/01/2021 at 15:12

In December 2020, I paid 1350 rubles through Sberbank, and Kaspersky continues to demand money from me? WHY?

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