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  • Windows
    Firewall performs an important feature for protecting the operating system. It controls access to network services from the local network of a personal computer.
    19.02.2019 252 0
  • Windows
    There are situations when you need to create another user on the computer. But in different versions of the operating system, it is done in different ways.
    19.02.2019 230 0
  • Antivirus
    In the process of removing any software products, and especially antiviruses, the user may encounter a number of difficulties.
    19.02.2019 214 0
  • Windows
    Each modern person has a computer, be something laptop, stationary device, netbook, etc.
    15.02.2019 322 0
  • Windows
    Windows operating system, automatically downloads updates, but automatic download can be turned off.
    14.01.2019 282 0
  • Security
    A backup copy of the file is a copy of it on a specific media that is designed to restore information in the event of the original loss.
    12.01.2019 319 0
  • Security
    When you go to any page on the Internet, then your browser remembers it. This feature is automatically configured and was designed for the convenience of the PC user.
    11.11.2018 336 0
  • Antivirus
    Antiviruses are excellent programs that protect our computer device from various kinds of problems in the form of viruses and other malicious files, programs, systems, but everywhere there are their own nuances and side, so to speak, effects, so let's understand how you can Remove ESET from a computer device, and how it can be fraught.
    27.07.2018 260 0
  • Security
    Today's article will be devoted to creating a multi-load flash drive. Let's figure out in the existing ways and in its destination.
    17.06.2018 298 0
  • Windows
    Although Windows XP is stable, there are still a variety of difficulties. For such cases, Microsoft has provided a special loading mode, referred to as safe mode.
    20.01.2018 354 0
  • Antivirus
    Antiviruses have long become a necessary and familiar software on any computer. With this utility you can feel comfortable both on the Internet and when downloading files from flash drives and disks.
    18.11.2017 509 0
  • Windows
    The built-in firewall from Windows is otherwise called a firewall and serves to protect your data from leakage on the Internet.
    17.10.2017 416 0
  • Antivirus
    Timely update of the antivirus and its database helps keep your computer safe. The attackers and hackers create all new malicious software, and antivirus developers are trying to reveal them and overcome.
    14.10.2017 467 0
  • Security
    Remove the password on the laptop in some simple steps. This article provides detailed instructions.
    13.06.2017 684 5
  • Antivirus
    Antivirus serves as a reliable protection of your computer, but it may be necessary under different circumstances.
    01.06.2017 386 0
  • Antivirus
    Antivirus is undoubtedly an important element of the protection of the system of your computer, however, often occur situations when you need to disable the program for a while.
    10.04.2017 406 0
  • Windows
    The computer is the place where we spend a large amount of time, not only at home, but also at work.
    06.04.2017 426 0
  • Security
    Almost all system folders in the Windows operating system are hidden. This is done so that the user does not delete some necessary components by negligence, as well as that the folder unnecessary to the PC cannot clutch its space on the computer.
    01.04.2017 456 0
  • Security
    Recently, a malicious virus "Volcano" is gaining momentum. Unwanted software is entered on your computer by means of advertising banners, inadvertently downloaded programs.
    19.02.2017 461 0
  • Windows
    Since the Windows 8 interface, compared with the previous iterations of the system, was significantly recycled, the input to the safe mode requires additional clarification.
    26.01.2017 425 0
  • Security
    In addition to the unique serial number inherent in each phone model, the devices also have the "sewn" IMEI - an international identifier.
    26.01.2017 455 0
  • Windows
    It is not too convenient to work in safe mode for a long time, because it disables some important functions, drivers and programs.
    26.01.2017 460 0
  • Windows
    Before answering this question, you need to know whether the password is installed only on the computer, or it also acts as a password from the Microsoft account.
    21.01.2017 462 0
  • Antivirus
    In modern realities, the computer is very rarely fully isolated from third-party sources of information by the device.
    17.01.2017 652 0
  • Security
    Children grab everything on the fly. Quickly master the use of computer, tablets and mobile phones.
    15.01.2017 511 0
  • Antivirus
    The result of Internet surfing, as well as data exchange with removable media, is often infected with viruses.
    12.01.2017 488 0
  • Security
    Many laptop manufacturers create "non-standard" distinctive features for their devices. For the technique of ASUS brand has become a feature to enter the BIOS not a complex combination of action.
    08.01.2017 559 1
  • Antivirus
    From malicious programs, our gadgets protect a special program from Google. But she has small loopholes and infection of phones with OP "Android" rarely, but happen.
    02.01.2017 546 0
  • Windows
    Often, people enjoying a laptop, to eliminate some system problems or simply change the operating system, you have to go to the BIOS.
    01.01.2017 454 0
  • Antivirus
    About ten years ago, the choice of anti-virus programs for the computer was sufficiently scarce, their number was just a few dozen.
    28.12.2016 455 1
  • Windows
    An interesting fact meets the user when switching to Windows 7 from earlier versions of the operating system.
    26.12.2016 499 0
  • Antivirus
    Viruses wave our computer in every corner of the World Wide Web. There are tens of thousands of each variety.
    03.12.2016 464 0
  • Security
    The formatting procedure allows you to completely destroy all data on the information carrier. This may be needed not only in order to get a free flash drive or hard disk, but also for some other tasks - for example, creating a boot disk, diagnostic tools / restoration, placement of other programs (entertainment, repacks, etc.
    21.11.2016 446 0
  • Microsoft Office.
    On each computer running Windows there are so-called "hidden folders". They are not visible on the user screen for various reasons, but the correct settings will help display them to make appropriate changes.
    21.11.2016 528 0
  • Windows
    BIOS contains key settings responsible for the operation of the entire computer system. Therefore, any user will be useful to know how to go here and what to turn your attention in the first place.
    14.11.2016 574 0
  • Antivirus
    Vault virus is a data encryptionman that falls on the computer after opening a specific email.
    14.11.2016 476 0
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