How to find hidden folders

How to find hidden folders

Almost all system folders in the Windows operating system are hidden. This is done so that the user does not delete some necessary components by negligence, as well as that the folder's unnecessary ordinary PC user climb its space on the computer. However, very many games, programs and utilities for a full-fledged installation require changes to these folders. The most common hidden folder for search is called APPDATA, there are temporary files of some games. To install a patch or addition, you will need to get access to it. In this article, a search for a hidden folder will be performed on the AppData example, you can search any other folder, as methods are universal.

How to find hidden folders using the command line

A very fast and simple method, but suits more than those users who are faced with such a task very rarely. For this step, you will not need to configure the visibility of folders and in general, to search them yourself, work will be completely in a special Windows window.

  • Hold the CTRL and R key combination on the English layout, or Ctrl and K in Russian.

This is a combination for calling the search string window. From here you can directly go to any folder, even systemic. The search occurs like this:

  • enter the name of the folder you are looking for, with a small letter;
  • on the sides of the name, put the signs of interest "%" without spaces;
  • click "OK" or ENTER key.

Now wait for the system response.

  • All is ready. You hit the hidden system folder. In this case, it is called APPDATA. You can use this method and to search for ordinary folders to open the path too long.

How to configure the visibility of hidden folders

If you have to work with hidden folders, you have to be frequent, or you need to open a few minutes at once, try setting the visibility of all hidden folders and system files. This method has a big plus - you can always see the folder, open it, change, everything will occur in the same way as with ordinary user folders. However, minus lies in the cluster of space. You will constantly encounter system files that do not carry any information for a regular PC user. Which method to use is to solve you, try both, because everything can be returned back.

  • Make sure how the folder appears on the AppData example. Usually, it is located at "disk with" - "Users" - "username". As you can see, it is not in the screenshot.

  • Now go to the "Control Panel" through the Start in the computer explorer.

  • Select the display of parameters by category. Watch the line "Design and Personalization", click directly by its name.

  • Now you need to go to the "folder parameters" section, which is highlighted by a green color.

  • You will find a special window with settings. First go to the View tab at the top of the window.

  • List the list down until it stops. As soon as you see the string "Hidden Folders and Files", pay attention to subparagraphs. You need to put a check mark near the words "Show hidden files, folders and discs." Click "Apply" and then "OK".

  • Look at the system folder directory. Now you see the Hidden AppData folder, it is highlighted with gray and a little faded. So it will be with all system folders that were hidden. At any time you can reverse everything.

Thus, it can be concluded that the first method is suitable for users who are rarely needed to access hidden folders. The second way sets the visibility of system folders for your further long work with them. If you are not a confident PC user, then it is better to get around the second way to by mistake not to delete or change important system files, because it is fraught with a complete system failure.

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