How to remove ESET Nod32

How to remove ESET Nod32

In the process of removing any software products, and especially antiviruses, the user may encounter a number of difficulties. Relief from ESET developer products did not exception. How to clean a personal device from ESET NOD32 antivirus?

Removing ESET NOD32 - the possibility of a built-in uninstaller

  • Go to the starting block "Start".
  • Find the program folder you want to delete, "ESET".
  • Among the points of the fallen list, choose the option of deletion. Go "Next".

  • Now it should be noted the reason for the removal of ESET NOD32 - choose another reason. Follow "Next".

  • Find all the "tracks" of the program in the OS. To do this, clamp a "hot" combination "Win + E". In the search field, write "ESET" and click "Enter".
  • Hold down the "Ctrl" key, allocate all objects found, and then delete them.
  • Restart your PC.

Removal ESET NOD32 - Help Utilities ESET Uninstaller

If the algorithm described above did not allow to delete all the antivirus files, the ESET Uninstaller utility will come to the rescue.

  • Download the required utility ESET Uninstaller.
  • Note that it only works when translating the OS into a safe mode of operation. Therefore, after downloading the uninstaller, restart the PC and almost continuously click the F8 key. In the OS boot menu that appears, select "Safe Mode".

  • Having double-click on the ESET Uninstaller icon, run the utility.
  • After that, click "Y" as a sign of a confirmation of the command line query (do you want to continue the work?).
  • Click "ENTER".
  • The next step is prescribed 1 and again click "ENTER".
  • After that, enter "Y" and click "ENTER".
  • Press any keyboard key - exit from the utility.

  • The removal of antivirus has been successfully completed.

Delete ESET NOD32 - Using Windows resources

  • Open the Start menu and go to all programs.
  • Click the "ESET" folder.
  • Choose among the "ESET NOD32 AntiVirus" (or "ESET SMART SECURITY") among the list.
  • Delete the software product and reboot PC.

Now you need to work with hidden folders and files.

  • In the control panel, open properties or folder parameters (depending on the version of the OS).
  • You need the View tab.
  • Mark the "bird" the need to display all hidden files, folders and disks.

Find and erase the following folders:

  1. When working with the version of XP, we erase the "ESET" folder from the "Application Data" section in the block of all users and "Program Files".
  2. When working with version 7, 8, 10 (Windows), delete the "ESET" file in the "ProgramData" and "Program Files" folders

These folders can be destroyed and automatically in the process of cleaning an ESET OS. If you do not find them after removing hidden files - the removal of ESET NOD32 can be considered completed.

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