How to disable updates in windows

How to disable updates in windows

Windows operating system, automatically loads updates, but automatic download can be turned off. How to do it, tell me in this article.

Disable updates in Windows 7

Mainly update is a necessary option that does not interfere with the operation of the operating system. And even on the contrary increases and improves its performance. Therefore, to disable updates, in extreme cases.

Due to updates, errors may occur, for example, in this case, when the Pirate version of the OS is used.

Method 1.

In order to disable updates in Windows 7, you must:

  • You need to go to the "Control Panel".

  • Next "Administration".

  • Next, choose the "services". Click left mouse button twice.

  • In the list we find the "Update Center", mainly it is at the very end of the list.

  • After selecting the "update center", the dialog box opens in which you should select "Start Type" and select "Disable" in the list.

  • After that, updates will be disabled. For all settings to force, you should restart the computer.

Method 2.

In this method, automatic updates can be stopped into manual.

For this you need:

  • You must go to the "Control Panel" and select "System and Security".

  • Next select "Center of Updates".

  • After that, you should select "Automatic Enabling and Disable Updates".

  • We put the switch opposite the "Do not check" command.
  • Confirm the actions and click on the "Save" button.
  • For entry into force of settings, you should restart the computer.

Disable updates in Windows 10

In the tenth version of Windows, you can also disable the update itself as in Windows 7 through administration. Although the interface of the Tenth version is slightly different from Windows 7, but the principle of operation is the same.

  • Call the interpreter command using a keyboard shortcut: Win + R.

  • Run "services" through the command "Services.msc". This command is inserted into the search string.

  • In the specified list, we find the Windows Update Center. Sometimes the name in English is "Windows Update".
  • Choose the "Stop" command.

  • All parameters are changed and entered into force without rebooting the computer.

How to remove patches?

Patches are intended for software that is completely compiled. And often precisely because of them, it is not possible to disable updates or the system began to work unstable. Therefore, you first delete them, after which you can freely disable updates in Windows.

Before removing patches, you must make sure that the latest updates are installed.

To disable them you need:

  • Go to the "Control Panel".

  • Select "programs".
  • In the table located on the left, find the "View update" command and bring it to it the mouse cursor.

  • Then the entire list of patches installed earlier.

  • On each of them right-click, click and by selecting the "Delete" command, in the menu that opens - delete.

Windows updates are necessary for the operating system of any version. Therefore, before turning off them, we should weigh all the "for" and "against" and not make hasty decisions.

Another is not a small fact, if you turn off the updates for a long time, and after they turn on the OS, it may stop working correctly.

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