How to disable firewall in Windows 10?

How to disable firewall in Windows 10?

Each of the versions of the Windows operating system has its own built-in protection. One of its important elements is a firewall that allows or prohibiting applications access to the Internet (inventing illegal penetration into your PC). Since a similar function performs the prevailing majority of modern antiviruses, the need for a "window" firewall can disappear. Enable or disable it actually at any time.

How to remove firewall in Windows 10?

The most simple method is to use the command line. Let you not frighten the need to enter the commands that you see for the first time - it is enough to copy, insert them and evaluate all the convenience of the proposed method. So:

  • run the command line with the right click on the "Start" button (required on behalf of the administrator);
  • we recruit or insert the copied command. netsh Advfirewall SET Allprofiles State Off, press ENTER;
  • we see a message about turning off the firewall, confirm the changes to the OK button;
  • the task is made, return the firewall to the easiest as the same command, replacing the last part of the FFF on ON ( netsh Advfirewall SET Allprofiles State ON).

Disable firewall through services

Another way also does not require great effort. We click the Win + R buttons together, then:

  • we gain command services.msc, send to the ENTER and the "OK" button;
  • a new window appears with a list of Windows services;
  • they are leafing and alphabetically find firewall;
  • click twice, we see the string "Startup type";
  • we translate it into the "Disabled" state, thereby prohibiting the launch of the built-in firewall.

3) work with the control panel

If this method is familiar to you (many settings in Windows are produced from here, try to do the following:

  • open the "panel" from the "Start" menu;
  • find among the icons " Windows Firewall "and go to it by clicking on the name;
  • a new window will open, we look at the list on the left side;
  • here will be the item you need " Switching on and off firewall ";
  • going into it, you can choose the desired (as well as specify the type of networks and interaction with each of them);
  • do not forget to click "Apply" before exit.

Configuring Firewall Exceptions

If you want to disable the firewall only so that the annoying window does not pop up each time the programs are started, you can add the latter to the exception list. This will prevent the same type, leaving the secure protection of the OS is still on. This setting method is as follows:

  • we go to the "Control Panel" -\u003e "Firewall" -\u003e Panel on the left (by analogy with the previous paragraph);
  • click on the line ".. interact with the application", inside press "Change" -\u003e "Allow Other";
  • in the window that opens, we find a program that we want to give unimpeded network access (here you also choose the type of network to which it belongs to);
  • click "Add" and "Good";
  • similarly, you can prohibit the program connection;
  • more experienced users can create a separate port for the program " Additional parameters "(left) -\u003e" Outgoing connections "-\u003e" Create a rule ".

If you are watching the problems in Windows after changing the firewall settings, you can always reset it before the default values \u200b\u200busing the item in the "Control Panel" section.

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