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  • Browser
    To date, YouTube is the most popular "keeper" of video rollers in the world, so it is not surprising.
    20.05.2019 264 0
  • Browser
    Incognito mode helps to view sites that will not affect the browser history. Also all the entered passwords, logins, emails will not be remembered and will not be displayed in the on-site applications.
    25.03.2019 292 0
  • Browser
    Cash memory is such a common clipboard, which is used almost everywhere. In browsers, on a computer, telephone.
    24.02.2019 270 0
  • Browser
    While visiting various sites in your browser, copies of pages, images and videos are saved.
    04.01.2019 229 0
  • Windows
    In order not to get lost in the information flow, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, the users are actively used by Hashtegi.
    16.12.2018 303 0
  • Security
    When you go to any page on the Internet, then your browser remembers it. This feature is automatically configured and was designed for the convenience of the PC user.
    11.11.2018 336 0
  • Browser
    Yandex browser today enjoyed very many, it can no doubt be called one of the most popular browsers from available.
    08.10.2018 345 0
  • Browser
    Yandex. The browser has a certain set of extensions for even more convenient surfing on the Internet.
    23.09.2018 296 0
  • Browser
    To date, a huge number of Internet users use Yandex browser. It is considered one of the most popular browsers from available.
    21.09.2018 359 0
  • Browser
    Owners of phones, tablets, other gadgets, computers are not always convenient or want their location to be determined by the satellite.
    22.07.2018 441 0
  • Browser
    Comfortable access to various Internet resources is carried out through special web browsers - browsers.
    13.05.2018 328 0
  • Browser
    To work with the browser is even more convenient and faster, it is better to install the sites that visit you on the homepage.
    11.07.2017 417 0
  • Browser
    Sometimes you often have to reduce or increase the size of the image. You can do this in several ways.
    21.06.2017 393 0
  • Browser
    Any browser requires timely updates to maintain their performance and ensure the protection of the user from malicious sites.
    19.06.2017 411 0
  • Browser
    To get a big anonymity on the Internet and do not configure once with a VPN, you can download the browser called Tor.
    13.06.2017 648 2
  • Browser
    Advertising in the browser is not so noticeable, but maybe overly obsessive: pop-up banners, flashing pictures with a proposal to find out an incredible beauty recipe flying for the cursor of the promotion, are able to derive even a patient user.
    12.06.2017 730 0
  • Browser
    The pop-up windows in the browser can provoke the appearance of unwanted advertising, annoying banners and other unpleasant features of the advertising content.
    12.06.2017 424 0
  • Browser
    If you have chosen the most convenient browser for yourself, it is better to remove all the others so that they do not interfere with you and did not occupy a precious place on your computer or laptop disk space.
    24.05.2017 443 0
  • Browser
    If you downloaded the Firefox browser and intend to work with him for a long time, then you will have to configure all passwords, bookmarks, additions and basic parameters.
    24.05.2017 410 0
  • Browser
    Choose the most comfortable and convenient browser sometimes is quite a challenge. Almost all browsers are approximately the same for an inexperienced computer user, but with obtaining all new knowledge about programs, browsers and their work, you begin to understand what is acceptable for you and more conveniently.
    21.05.2017 442 0
  • Browser
    Some programs and utilities are not completely deleted from your computer even after the uninstallation procedure: they leave temporary files that are stored in different directories.
    13.05.2017 478 0
  • Browser
    The browser from Yandex provides the original Zen news tape. It is based on the basis of your preferences and views, as well as based on search queries.
    13.05.2017 871 0
  • Browser
    The history of your browser carries not only a lot of personal information about the owner of the computer, but also clogs the device's memory.
    10.05.2017 546 0
  • Browser
    If you decide to try the browser from Yandex, but you are bad imagine how to configure this browser, then it is better to refer to the instructions.
    10.05.2017 935 1
  • Browser
    One of the indisputable ease of browser from Mozilla is a quick backup, as well as a comfortable formation of the interface of the entire workspace.
    30.04.2017 451 1
  • Browser
    Checking the site certificate is an important and integral security procedure. However, if you completely trust the resource and have already used them before, and the browser does not allow you to go to it, you can try to disable the certification for this site, or for everyone, provided that you are a careful Internet user.
    25.03.2017 784 5
  • Browser
    To always have access to important sites and your favorite social networks, it is easiest to add addresses data to your bookmarks list, and then quickly go through them.
    20.03.2017 516 0
  • Browser
    The browser from Google Chrome is characterized by low RAM consumption and its minimalist design.
    20.03.2017 438 0
  • Browser
    When one bookmark disappeared from the browser archive, it's already unpleasant, but what should I disappear after launching "Yandex"?
    11.03.2017 818 10
  • Browser
    In order for your browser to be correctly displayed Flash animation and gif pictures, as well as some types of video files, Adobe Flash Player must be installed among the additions.
    02.03.2017 581 0
  • Browser
    If you encounter a problem when playing some video formats, or flash animation in your browser does not work at all, the solution will be updated, or the full installation of the Flash Player program.
    28.02.2017 1024 0
  • Browser
    Advertising on the Internet has an ambiguous position. On the one hand, it allows you to attract the audience, make money or promote your product.
    20.02.2017 722 4
  • Browser
    If you have inappropriately deleted any bookmarks on the bookmarks panel, or from hidden, you can still restore the lost if you have not managed to close the browser.
    17.02.2017 654 2
  • Browser
    Cloud Male Ru is a special program that allows you to store your personal information on the Internet.
    06.02.2017 571 0
  • Browser
    In the Firefox browser there are two types of bookmarks: Bookmark menu and bookmarks panel. It is also possible to configure the folder "Other bookmarks", thereby adding convenience to your sorting saved sites.
    28.01.2017 472 0
  • Browser
    Modern browsers for the convenience of the user do not differ much from each other when the question concerns the interface.
    28.01.2017 497 0
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