How to remove Google Chrome

How to remove Google Chrome

If you have chosen the most convenient browser for yourself, it is better to remove all the others so that they do not interfere with you and did not occupy a precious place on your computer or laptop disk space. Also, the removal of the browser may be needed when any problems occur and fails in its work so that in the future you could simply reinstall it. Google Chrome browser to some users becomes difficult to remove, as this program does not have an uninstaller in its folder. If you are used to deleting all the programs through it, and in the Google Chrome directory did not find a delete file, then in this article you will learn two new ways to remove programs: via Windows Application Manager, as well as the CCleaner utility.

How to delete Google Chrome through Windows Application Manager

This option is convenient because it does not require any third-party software: everything happens using your operating system. However, the complete removal of the browser is not guaranteed, since after it can remain cache and some files, even though they occupy quite a bit.

  • Go to the computer control panel through the Start.

  • In the window that opens, select the "Programs" field, and then "Delete Programs". If the window in front of you looks completely different, then you need to change the viewing mode in the upper right corner. Put the "Category" value.

  • The "Programs and Components" window opens - this is the application manager in Windows. Lay in the list of Google Chrome programs.

  • Click on the "Delete" button in the window header.

  • You will see a notification on the Google Chrome browser screen. Here you must confirm the deletion of the program and decide to keep you some of the data on its work or not. If you do not choose this checkbox, the browser will leave the login, passwords, bookmarks and some other options to quickly restore them if you decide to install Google Chrome again.
  • Take the solution for yourself to leave the data or not and click "Delete".
  • Removal occurs in just a few seconds. Now the browser is uninstalled from your computer.

How to delete Google Chrome through CCleaner program

This utility is designed specifically for cleaning your computer, delete programs, cache, various kinds of "garbage". By downloading it, you can always have quick access to cleaning the disk and deleting all programs.

  • Go to the official website of CCleaner by reference download the program. It is available not only on Windows, but also on MacOS.

  • Installation of the utility occurs almost instantly and without your participation. You will only have to specify the installation folder and take a license agreement with the company's company.
  • Enter the installed program and select the "Tools" section on the left side of the screen.

  • Here you need to find the Google Chrome browser, click on it and click on the "Run Uninstaller" field in the upper right corner of the window.
  • Uninstaling will leak quickly, after which you will see the appropriate notification on the computer screen.

  • Now go to the "Cleaner" section to clear all the garbage and unnecessary files from the remote browser.
  • Go to the Applications tab.

  • List all programs in the left column down until you see the Google Chrome section. Mark all fields that are available for tick and click "Run Cleaner". Now absolutely all the browser data is deleted, and it will not be left on your computer either a trace.

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