How to clean the cache in chrome

How to clean the cache in chrome

Browser Cache - files stored as a result of work in a temporary folder. The name "temporary" does not mean that they are removed after completing the work. Some of them remain on the hard disk and in one way or another affects the work of the browser and the speed of the entire system as a whole. Increases file fragmentation. To accelerate the operation of the chromium cache, it is necessary to periodically clean. In this article you will learn how to do it, and that it will take for this.

Some users do not clean the cache for years. First, in addition to reducing speed, it leads to the filling of free memory, and secondly, regular cleaning will allow to hide traces of stay on a variety of prohibited and not very legal sites. Therefore, the guidance of the order in the history of chromium allows you to follow privacy.

Clause cache. To begin with, you need to be launched Google Chrome. In the upper right corner of the browser there is a button with three horizontal lines. Click it and go to "Menu" - "Settings". Browser parameters will open, scroll to "Show Advanced Settings" and find the item "Personal data". Button "Clean the story ...".

In a small window there will be several items from which you will need to remove the checkboxes and leave only "images and other files saved in the cache". Another important point, for what period it is necessary to clean the cache. "For all time", "over the past 4 weeks", "over the past hour", there are five temporary segments. After clicking "Clear Story". Depending on the amount of cache, cleaning can pass from a few seconds to a few minutes. It may seem that the browser "hung" is normal. Wait for the end of the procedure.

Also, go to the point of cleaning history in a simpler way. "Menu" - "History", key combination for quick call - Ctrl + H. Further cleaning actions are the same as in the previous paragraph.

For those who wish to independently bring order in the browser, there is a folder with chromium cache, it is located at the following address "C: \\ Users \\" Username "\\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Cache". With the help of history, you can delete separate data on the work of the browser, download records, visited pages, cookies and site data. In general, all the information that is stored after staying on the Internet.

If you use the CCleaner program to regularly clean the computer, then it could be seen in the "Application" tab of the Google Chrome Point. For cleaning only the cache chrome, it is necessary to remove the marks from all points other than the "Internet cache". Click "Analyze", the results will be displayed how many files are in the cache and how much they occupy the hard disk space. Now it remains to click "Clear".

For stable and comfortable work on the Internet, you need a modern high-speed browser. Google Chrome on a powerful computer with modern hardware stuffing fully complies with these criteria. But only the overcrowded cache leads to frequent hangs, slow or incorrect display of sites. Timely cleaning of temporary files will help to avoid these problems. Good luck!

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