How to clean your computer cache

How to clean your computer cache

Clearing the cache (storage of temporary files on the PC) is the most effective way to speed up the operation of the system and eliminate the rolling. Consider how to clean the computer's cache in Windows 7.

Often, when entering the Internet uses the DNS server provided by the Internet provider. The caching of the responses received to requests provides quick access to one or another resource, but when changing IP, it may be difficult to open certain pages. DNS recognizer cache cleaning will solve this problem.

Call the command line through a Windows search by printed into an empty field - "CMD". In the window that opens, enter the command in the location of the DNS-cache - "IPCONFIG / FLUSHDNS" into the location of the dotcut. Click "Enter" - and cache will be cleaned.

The next step is to clean the memory cache from the accumulated temporary files. Refer to the Disk Cleanup dialog box, which also call through the search string of the system. Next, alternately activate the Windows partitions and clean the selected folders.

Clean the cache using programs designed for computer cleaning from system debris, including cache. Some of them and links to official sites, from where if you wish, download the application you like.

About the principles of working with a utility for the care of the system read in the article "How to use CCleaner".

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