How to clean the computer keyboard

How to clean the computer keyboard

The keyboard is the main information input device into the computer. After some time, depending on the intensity of use, it can be strongly polluted. Chips from meals fall into her, coffee and other drinks, small stationery and just household dust are shedding. You can, of course, buy a new one, but try cleaning thoroughly, and it will look no worse than the new one.

The easiest way to care for the keyboard using special cleaning napkins for computer - deforetors. Impregnated with special composition, they are able to clean not only from dust, but also from fat spots. If you have a touch keyboard - napkins enough to care for it, if the mechanical is more complicated.

When working with a mechanical keyboard, on which the buttons when pressing are immersed in special cells, it is important to observe a simple rule - never in the workplace at the computer. This is especially true of various drinks and bulk products, whose crumbs, falling between the keys, can spoil it irretrievably or lead to overhaul.

You can collect crumbs from the keyboard using a special USB vacuum cleaner. This very small vacuum cleaner connects to the computer's USB connector. The package to it go brushes capable of cleaning even the most secluded corners of the keyboard from crumbs and dust. The power is very small, but quite sufficient to remove dust from the keyboard and the system unit.

You can clean the keyboard and in another way. Turn over the keyboard and shake slightly several times. Most of the crumbs, villings and small items, for example, particles from sharpening a pencil or from an elasty will be hurt. Now take the tape and cover it with a sticky side on the keyboard, tight, but for a while, otherwise the flaps will remain. Even bold dirt will stick to the scotch, and it will become clearly cleaner. Not the best way, but is suitable as an express method of quick cleaning.

A simple way - to blow dust from the keyboard with compressed air from a container «Dust Off». Click on the button spray is directed into the space between the keys is a thin stream of air, it will clear the surface of the keyboard. Can be used for this operation is a simple syringe, but the effect will be less, and his efforts to achieve more.

If you do not help either one way, it's time to disassemble the keyboard. Before that, make a photo of the keyboard to remember the location of the keys. If you still forget to do this - it does not matter, open the on-screen keyboard: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Accessibility" - "On-Screen Keyboard".

Disconnect the keyboard or from a computer power source. Take a flathead screwdriver and gently hooking, remove all keys. The gap can not be removed, since it is very difficult to put in place. Then, soak the keys removed in warm soapy water. Leave to soak for half an hour. Remove them from the water, wipe with a lint-free cloth and leave to dry or drain quickly through the dryer with cold air.

Take a brush with small hairs and thoroughly clean the keyboard. Wipe with a soft, damp cloth every corner. Now you can put the keys back in their place. Connect the keyboard. She is ready to work.

The process of cleaning the keyboard will take some time, but it is so nice to work in a clean and tidy keyboard. Do not forget before cleaning always disconnect it from the power supply. Accidentally pressed a few "hot" keys when the computer can result in the execution of adverse effects.

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