How to clean the monitor

How to clean the monitor

If you have acquired any gadget, be it a touchscreen phone, a laptop, a TV or a computer, you will sooner or later there will be a need to clear the monitor screen. Even if you are a very neat person, divorces, traces of fingers, dust, inevitably appear on the surface of the monitor, and therefore the display needs periodic cleaning. The glossy surface is cleaned much faster and easier than matte.

Before you begin cleaning the equipment, it must be disconnected from the network, since the divorces and bands are visible noticeable when the display is turned off. And when the technique is de-energized, the trouble will coach it with you.

Clean the monitor from dust (which is very harmful to a person working at the computer) needs regular once a month, because dust accumulates static voltage, and it can lead to a breakdown of technology. It is done by special smooth napkins without a pile.

It is possible to remove contamination from the surface of the display using special cleansing agents (gels, sprays). The main thing is to pay attention to their composition - they should not contain ethyl alcohol, otherwise you risk damage to the monitor coverage.

Apply the liquid to clean the monitor is better not to the surface of the display itself, but on the edge of the napkin. The liquid that is applied to the monitor display should not fall inside it, since, remaining there, it can cause oxidation, rust, circuit of electronics or the output of it. It is impossible to allow this. The destructive fluid will fall out between the light-scattering films of the LCD screen, as the fluid dried after entering there leaves the visible and unreasonable stains on the display until the last day of its use.

The most common, inexpensive and proven tool for cleaning the monitor is a weak soap solution. Wipe the monitor is best to wipe it on a paper napkin, because wipe the LCD displays with a towel or an ordinary cloth is unacceptable, as you can scratch or damage the LCD matrix. Paper napkins that are used in the kitchen are in every home. This is a 100% microfibre alternative for glass or displays. Using paper napkins, you will get a perfectly clean monitor without any additional costs for all sorts of brand tools for cleaning the LCD surfaces.

Resorting to any of these methods for cleaning the monitor, it is important to know that when removing stains from the screen, in no case can not be pulled out to the display, and in general, after analyzing all possible tools, it is possible to conclude that it is best to use the best one not costly Dedovsky Method - Any surface will perfectly clean the paper napkin and a slightly soap solution.

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