With prolonged use of the PC, you can notice that over time it begins to work slower. In other words, to slow down or “lag”. The guilt of this garbage that clogs your computer. Let's figure out how to clean it for quick work.
During the robots of the operating system, unnecessary files accumulate on the hard disk that remain after deleting games or programs, as well as visiting various Internet sites. They need to be removed. If this is not done, then the free space on the disk, like the performance of the PC, decreases, and in some cases you will even have to reinstall Windows.
There are many programs, the purpose of which is to delete these malicious files. But it is better for beginners to work with a discharge utility of disks in Windows - “Cleanmgr.exe”. In this case, you may not be afraid that the files you need will accidentally delete. In addition, it is not necessary to download it, the utility is already in the standard assembly of the OS and is in the Windows \\ System32 folder. To start working with “Cleanmgr.exe”, follow the path: Start - all programs - standard - service - disk cleaning.
After pressing this option, the disk selection menu, which is required to be cleaned, will open.
By choosing a disk, the utility will appreciate how many files without harm can be deleted. Do not be alarmed if the procedure takes some time.
In the next window, it should be noted with a tick all the points that are there. Removing temporary files, their compression, as well as cleaning the basket will significantly increase the memory.
By clicking “additionally”, you can remove Windows recovery points, except for the latter with which the system is loaded. It is enough to select “Clean” at the “Restoration of the System and Shadow Copy”, In the window that appears, click “OK”.
After everything done, do not forget to confirm the request by pressing the OK key so that the cleaning is made. And in the new window, clat “delete files”.
If necessary, check the memory that is available, it is easy to do it. Click on the disk with the right mouse button and select the “properties”. This can be done before the start of the procedure in order to assess the size of the released memory after cleaning.
As you can see, the files that we deleted occupied more than one gigabyte of memory. Instead, it will be possible to install new programs.