How to connect the second hard drive

How to connect the second hard drive

Even a large disk space with long-term work on the computer can end. You can delete files and programs by freeing a little space, but this is a temporary output from the situation. You can replace the hard drive, then you will need to re-install the OS and configure the computer. It is easier to connect a second disk, which will significantly increase disk space for photos, games and movies.

Buy a hard drive of sufficient capacity and an SATA information cable to connect it in the computer technology store. The volume of the disk depends on the user's desire, but it is better not to save and purchase a disk of at least terabyte so that it does not have to think again about increasing memory. The hard disk of the modern computer is most often connected using the SATA interface. IDE format was used on computers until 2000. For confidence in the compatibility of the disk and motherboard, consult the seller or read the instructions for the computer.

Fully disconnect the computer and all its additional devices from the power supply. Put the system unit on the side and remove its sidebar. Consider the motherboard. On modern boards there may be several SATA controllers, up to 6 pieces. The IDE connector may be missing or used to connect a CD / DVD drive. In the search for the necessary controllers, the computer board circuit will help you.

New Winchester install in a special basket at a sufficient distance from the other so that they do not come into contact and did not overheat. If there are three "sockets" for the hard drive, put in 1 and 3, and 2 between them for ventilation. Secure the disk with four screws. Connect one end of the SATA loop (does not matter which value) to the hard disk, and the second to the found SATA controller on the motherboard. The second hard drive is connected.

If there is no SATA connector on the power supply, then you need to buy an IDE- SATA adapter. Connect the new hard drive to the power supply: Among the multiple power supply wires, find the SATA wire. It is impossible to confuse, since only it is suitable for the Winchester, or set the IDE- SATA adapter. Connect it to the new device connector. Now the second hard drive is completely installed.

If the RAM bar prevents installing the second hard drive in a special basket and you removed it, then put it in place. Secure the side wall of the system unit with fastening screws. Turn on the computer and all peripheral devices.

Wait for the full boot of the operating system. It will automatically detect a new external memory device and prompt to format the disk in the NTFS format. If this did not happen - open the "Computer" folder in the "Explorer", click on the new disk with the right mouse button and select the "Format" command in the menu. If a new local disc appears, then find it using the "Main Menu" panel section, which opens with the "Start" button.

Increased temperature can cause rapid wear of the hard disk surface. If there is no possibility to divide the hard drives by space, that is, one output is to put a second fan for cooling the drives. If all SATA controllers on the board are busy, then buy a PCI controller with SATA connectors to connect the second disk.

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