How to make a screenshot of the screen

How to make a screenshot of the screen

Sometimes you need to photograph the PC screen to save useful information. This snapshot is called a "screenshot", and it is done very simple. Save the picture will be two methods. The standard assumes the use of the Windows environment, more "advanced" - special programs. Consider both.

Press the "PRSCR" or "PRINT SCREEN" key. This button is placed on top on the right on the keyboard. If you cannot immediately find it - do not worry, sometimes the name of this key is a little different - "PRINT SCREEN SYSRQ". If you have a lot of open windows, select the desired and click "Alt-PRSCR", otherwise you will have a photo of all open windows.


After log in to the standard Paint graphics editor. It can be found by passing along the way "Start - Standard - Paint". You will open a new clean sheet, then click "Paste" or hold the combination of the "Ctrl + V" buttons, the screenshot will be copied to your new document.


There is another "standard" method for Windows 7 or Windows Vista. You can make a snapshot from the screen using the Scissors or Snipping Tool program. It will turn out on the old way "Start - Standard - Scissors". Go to the program, and you will open a small window, and the rest of the screen will be like in the fog, the cursor will acquire the type of plus. They allocate the desired area (clamp the left mouse button and stretch the frame).


After selection, the part of the screen is cut, and we will be transferred to the primitive graphic editor of the program "Scissors". After editing to save, go along the path "File - Save As - ...".


In addition, there are programs that will significantly simplify the procedure for creating screenshots. First "Floomby". It is ideal for those who lay out pictures on the net. The bottom line is that pictures made with its help are posted on the official website floomby.and screenshots are not saved on the computer. It is very convenient for bloggers and for self-network lovers, as you often need to specify a link to the image. It is quite simple to use it.

There are several keys:

  • "Fragment" makes a snapshot of the screen, you first need to specify a certain area;
  • "Screen" makes the screenshot of the entire window;
  • "History" where you can see all pictures and remove unnecessary.

Utility installation file can be downloaded here.

For lovers of video games, the program "Hot Key Screenshot" will suit. Swing here fileInstallation is not required. After starting the program, we will see one tick and two windows. In the first we select a key, when you click the screenshot, and the "quality" of our pictures. Tick \u200b\u200b"Sound Effects" is needed in order for the "hot key" when the sound is turned on. It should be mentioned that the images will be saved to the "PIC" folder, which is located in the folder with the utility.


Another Magic Screenshot program in the robot is very similar to "Floomby", images are also laid out on the Internet, although here they can be presented with a brush and select the image format in the "Settings". Also, the plus will be tips that pop up when you hover the arrow of the mouse on the button. You can download it here. During installation, select Russian, as it is possible to install both English.


For smartphones based on the Android screen, the screenshot of the screen can be done by holding down the defined keys for a couple of seconds. For version 4+, this is a "volume decrease" and "Enable Phone" (Volume Down + Power), for Android 3+ you need to hold "recent programs" for a long time. For most Samsung, a combination of "home" + "Turning on the phone" (HOME + POWER) is operating, which is again to clamp for a few seconds. The exception is, perhaps, Samsung Galaxy, where the "Back" + "Home" buttons should be closed. For Android 1 and 2+, the key combinations do not exist, and it is recommended to find a suitable program. HTC holders the same procedure can be made combination "home" and "food".

If you are the owner of such an Apple operating system, like the OS MAS, you can also make a screenshot, but here your key combinations. If you just need to take a picture, clamp "CMD + SHIFT + 3" - and the image will be saved to the desktop. If you want to have an image of a specific screen area, housing "CMD + SHIFT + 4" and highlight a specific part of the screen, and if an active window snapshot is required, then add a "space". To immediately copy the image, add "Ctrl".

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about IOS and Symbian. For the first case, you need to know the combination "Sleep / Awakening + Home Mode" and what images are saved in the photo application. And for Symbian will have to look for special applications.

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