All work in Windows ("Windows") comes down to manipulating windows. There is nothing easier to set up windows, but novice users who master the computer sometimes requires help in their difficulties. Setting up windows in Windows XP, Windows 7, 8 is practically no different.
Windows window is part of a rectangular screen, limited by frame. You can open several windows to work at the same time. Move the cursor to the window frame, it does not matter: at the top below, on the left, right. When the cursor is transformed into a bidirectional arrow, press, without releasing the left mouse button, pull the arrow into the windows in the window - it will decrease, outwards. If you "pull" for any angle of the window, then its size will change proportionally, i.e. in two directions. You can change the size by the window not opened to the entire screen area.
When opening the next window in Windows 7, 8 is saved by the size of the dimensions made in the previous window. So, all subsequent windows, open with the help of the conductor, will have the same size. In Windows XP, each window has its own, individual settings. Here it should be said that you can not change the size of all windows, but only those that unfold on the whole screen. You can make it a button with the number "3" in the picture. The second way: on the header of the window to make a double click of the left mouse button. Repeat will restore its initial size.
The dimensions of the window are configured. Now move the window on the screen. You perform work with a window active at the moment. Open several windows at once - then click on any part of it, it will become active. Pull the header of the window while holding down the left mouse button, the window will move. Pull the screen up the screen - it will roll up on the entire screen, to the right or left screen of the screen - the window will unfold exactly half the screen.
Another small secret: If you need to quickly roll all the windows, excluding active, then hook his header with the cursor, clamping the left mouse button, "shake", i.e. Quickly move from side to side. Now all windows are minimized in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, and active open. Repeated "shake" will return all windows into place.
Sometimes a lot of open windows are accumulated on the screen, and they close each other. For convenient location, select one of the ways: cascade, stack, near. In the taskbar at the bottom right, right-click on the free plot. The context menu will open. Select the most comfortable window location on the screen. Choosing "Show Deskthe Desk", you turn all the windows open on the desktop in the taskbar.
If you move the window, you instead of its contents see a black spot (as a negative), then follow these settings. Go to the system settings ("Win + Break"), on the left side of the window, open "Advanced System Options", then the Optional tab is the "Speed" section - the "Parameters" button. Click the Visual Effects tab, check the box "Display the Content window when dragging".
If you want to continue working on setting up windows, then right-click in any window area, select "Properties", "Sort", "Group", "View". Here you can set the window display settings in the explorer at will or return to the initial settings. Have questions? Look at the video or go here " Computer alphabet for beginners“.