How to remove site visits story

How to remove site visits story

The motives for deleting the history of visits to sites on the computer can be very different, but this is the personal right of each user - to remove or leave information about the websites you are interested in in the browser's memory.

Consider the removal of the site visits history on the example of two popular programs used to search for information on the Internet, this is:

  • Google Chrom;
  • Opera.

Google Chrom's program very quickly left behind all competitors due to its wide communication capabilities, as well as the functions of automatic transfer of pages. To remove the history of visiting sites, the first thing we open the search system with such actions:

  • we bring the cursor to the program icon;
  • double-click the left mouse button open Google Chrom;
  • or by clicking once the right mouse button on the browser icon - the context menu will appear, select the \u003cOpen\u003e command.

The standard Google Shrom dialog box opens. We bring the mouse cursor to the upper left corner - there you will see three stripes, so the settings icon in this browser indicate. Click on them. The setup menu appears, select the \u003cHistory\u003e option from the list.

Your history of visiting sites will unfold for the whole screen, and two buttons will be on the list of saved links to visited sites:

  • clear the history;
  • delete selected items (button inactive).

After using the \u003cClear Study\u003e command, a small window with a refinement will be displayed on your monitor screen, for what time time you want to delete visited sites. Put the checkbox opposite the desired period of time, and also select the items to be deleted. After the \u003cClear History\u003e command, the Google Schrom browser work menu automatically opens.

If you want to delete only some sites, you choose a couple of links to these pages, and the second button \u003cDelete selected items\u003e becomes active. Click on it, and delete is performed.

Now consider how to clear the history of visiting sites in the Opera search engine. We carry the mouse cursor on the program icon, open it by double clicking the left mouse button, or once right-click - the menu will be displayed, select Open.

Opera browser will open. We look into the upper left corner of the open window of the program. In the latest versions, the setup icon has a form of a small wrench. Click on it - the settings menu will appear.

We are looking for the History option in the list. Click on it with the left mouse button once - the history of sites will unfold in the width of the open window. In the upper right corner there will be an active button to clean the story. Perform this command.

A small window will seem to refine what you want to delete - put the checkbox where you think it is necessary. Also choose a period of time for which removal must occur. After selecting the proposed options, click Clear History, and delete the parameters you specify. After these commands, you will automatically find yourself on the main page of the Opera search engine.

Now you know how the example of these two search engines view and forever hide from a curious eye you visit the pages. These skills will be especially relevant if your computer has other users except you.

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