How to write text in a circle

How to write text in a circle

In some cases, there is a need to write text on a circular trajectory. Most common editors support this feature, allowing you to perform the operation with those or in other ways. Below will be disassembled methods for writing in the most popular editors.

Microsoft Office Word 2003 (and later versions) supports such a function, allowing you to arrange text in a circle, but with its further manual adjustment. To achieve this result, you must use the Word Art panel. If it is not available, then it must be activated by clicking the "View" tab on the top panel and selecting "Toolbar". In the tool list, select "Word Art".

On the Word Art panel we find the "Add Word Art object" object, which is located on the left.

Window opens with text style. Select the most suitable by clicking on the style icon twice, or mark it and click OK.

In the column "Text" write the desired inscription. If necessary, adjust the size and font style and confirm your actions by pressing the "OK" button.

Click on the displayed inscriptions and in the Word Art Edit Panel, find the "Text" menu function. We are interested in the style "by ring".

The text will take a circular style of writing. It remains only to adjust it, adjusting it manually. If necessary, you can choose the styles "Ring" or "on the arc", which also have this style orientation.

Adobe Photoshop also has the ability to write text in a circle. On this example, we will consider the creation method on the CS6 version. Opening Photoshop, you need to select the oval area tool (Elliptical Marquee Tool).

After hovering the cursor onto the sheet remains to draw the circle of the desired diameter. It is he who will become the guide of our text.

In the top menu bar, we look for the Window tab (Window). We deploy it and find the point "contours" (Paths).

When the container opens, press the button "Make a selected area of \u200b\u200bthe working circuit" (Make Work Path From Selection), which is at the bottom, in the middle.

Thanks to the operation of the operation, the contour became completely workers. It remains only to apply text on it. To do this, use the TYPE TOOL tool, which is in the left menu. We will bring the cursor to our circle, and when he will press the wavy line icon, click on it. It remains only to dial that text that was needed. You can turn off / turn on the contour line by pressing the Ctrl + H key combination.

In some cases, users need the text to be located in the inside of the circle, and not outside. This function is also in Photoshop, and they can easily use it. In the left part of the menu we find the "Path Selection Tool" tool.

We carry the cursor to the text and smoothly throw it into the inner part of the circle. We definitely adjust the position of the text and align it at your discretion.

Using these methods, you can write text in a circle in Microsoft Office Word 2003 and Adobe Photoshop CS6 editors. The methods described above are also applicable for later versions of the listed programs.

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