How to make a chart in the word

How to make a chart in the word

This article, when considering the characteristics of the constructions of the diagram, will rely on the interface of the most popular and reliable version of the office package, namely Microsoft Office Word 2007. In newer issues, the principle remains the same, some changes in the menu items and the emergence of new features are possible. for the user.

How to make a diagram in the Word based on the data received?

The presence of a graphical representation of the results in any report greatly simplifies the perception of information, attracts attention, makes key points more memorable. Obviously, the presentation from the presence of charts or graphs will only benefit, so the ability to create them is a critical skill for the PC owner. Microsoft's office package has succeeded significantly in this and allows you to include in a text document different types of data representation (histograms, circular, bulk, mixed diagrams, etc.), which can be freely combined with each other. To use all the advantages of the chart in Word 2007, we will need to install Microsoft Office Exsel. The first way we will be learned is called "Implementation in the Document". Its feature is that after the implementation, the data does not change, even when applying to the source exsel table. This is done as follows:

  • in the CLICKE document on the space intended for the placement of the diagram;
  • in the toolbar, we find the item "Box", go to the group "Illustrations", click the diagram icon;
  • a dialog box appears in which we select the desired diagram and confirm the action by the "OK" button;
  • the Excel divided window opens with the data example;
  • replace the example of specific indicators that need to be displayed;
  • when the table is shown to the final version, click the "Microsoft Office" button and select "Save as" item;
  • select a place where the table will be stored, we keep again;
  • close Excel .

Diagram in Word related to Excel Document

If it is necessary that the data on the illustrations change over time, depending on the editors in the Excel file, we will make the associated chart. The data is stored only in Excel, the chart in Word stores only a reference to a separate table. It creates a similar illustration like this:

  • we launch Excel, select the diagram by clicking on its border;
  • go to the toolbar, the "Main" item -\u003e "Cut" (the diagram will be deleted from the document, but all information will remain in the exchange buffer);
  • we open the Word, click on the place where the diagram should be, click Ctrl + V or click right-click + item "Insert" from the context menu;
  • save the Word file;
  • the next time you open click the "Yes" button from the pop-up message to update the indicators from Excel Table.

There are many features to change the appearance of the chart, almost all of them are focused on the "Work with charts" menu, which opens by the usual click on any element of our illustration. The user is also able to freely move the diagram from the page to the page by simple dragging mouse. If there are many diagrams to bring to one standard form, select the design on the "Work with charts" panel, the "Designer, layout and format" tab.

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