How to make a paragraph in the Word

How to make a paragraph in the Word

Visual perception is an important component when working with any kind of information, including textual. The auditorium "works" is more efficient when the text is clearly structured.

The most common and popular text editor - MS Word. It is this application that uses the lion's share of users when it is necessary to prepare any text document. One of the inalienable attributes of formatted text - indents. Competently arranged paragraphs will help not only improve the visual perception of information, but also to allocate semantic blocks for a better understanding of the contents of the document.

How to make a paragraph in Word: Rule and her markers

One of the MS Word editor tools, which is actively used when creating paragraphic indents, is a ruler. This attribute is located on top and to the left of the main field of the document. If you do not see the "ruler", check:

  • Is the "Page Markup" mode set. If not, turn it on.
  • Is the "Rule" option included. To do this, go to the "View" tab and in the "Show" section. Install the checkbox opposite the "line" field.

As for the attribute itself, it represents 4 markers. 3 of them are located in the left side, 1 - in the right.

  • Lower left marker - Create an indent for the entire text (or its fragment) without highlighting the first line.
  • The average marker will make an indent (shift to the right) for the entire block with the exception of the first line of the text.
  • Upper marker - for registration of paragraph in the text. Create an indent exclusively for the first line - a red string.
  • The lower right marker is designed to set the incidence of the right (distances to the right field).

Getting Started to edit text, decide what kind of retardation you need and what will be its value. Next, beg for formatting.

How to make a paragraph in the Word: paragraph indent from the left side

Create this indent can be in several ways.


  • You have a mouse cursor in the fragment in which you want to highlight the red string or allocate the entire text (Ctrl + A).
  • Moving the bottom marker, install the required size of the incidence.

Menu MS Word

  • Allocate a part of the text that requires an indent, or the entire document.
  • Go to the document menu: "Page Markup" - "paragraph" and click an icon in the angle with the image of the arrow.
  • Install the desired parameters for the deposit on the left (the distance is measured from the installed left field).
  • Press "OK".

How to make a paragraph in the Word: paragraph indent on the right side

In addition to the traditional - left-handedness, the text formatting may need to make an indent and on the right side.

  • Allocate the document (pressing the Ctrl + A keys) or part it.
  • Go to the "Paragraph" section of the page markup tabs and press the arrow icon in the square (in the bottom corner right).
  • Install the required number of see in the "Point of Right" field.

Another way to install the right retreat is to contact the right lower marker on the "line" and place it in the required place. Installing simultaneously right and left indents, you can achieve the desired location of the text fragment (in the center, with a shift to the left or right).

How to make a paragraph in the Word: Red Row

To highlight the next logical block of your document, rationally use the "red string". This term implies the formation of an indent (or protrusion) solely for the first string of the semantic fragment.

  • If the user works with the "ruler" - you need to refer to the upper marker and move it to the left - to create a protrusion or right - to create a paragraph.
  • Or go to the tab "Page Markup" and in the Paragraph block click on the arrow icon. In the "Red Row" field, set the type of incitement (protrusion or paragraph) and its magnitude.

How to make a paragraph in Word: Mirror indents

This option is especially in demand when printing a document in the format "Book".

  • Allocate the text or its fragment.
  • Go "Page Markup" - "Paragraph" - "Arrow" icon.
  • In the formatting window, set values \u200b\u200bfor indents (left and right) and mark the field "Mirror Fields".
  • The settings of the left and on the right will change to the indents "inside" and "outside."
  • Press the "OK" key to apply the specified changes to the text.

If you want your text interesting and understandable - make up a correctly decorated and competent document.

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