How to make footnotes in the Word

How to make footnotes in the Word

One of the tasks that stands before each author is to convey the meaning of his work to the reader. The presence of terms or specific vocabulary may complicate this process.

Footnotes - Special links to comments-explanations. Figures and signs are applied to designate the footnotes. Symbols The author puts in the text manually in the required locations. Notes can be placed both at the bottom of each page and at the end of the Total text. The ability to place a footnote is provided in the MS Word text editor.

How to make footnotes in the Word: Place the explanation in the middle of the text

This type of link is most convenient to the reader, as it allows you to see the source of the information provided or comment-explanation on the same page as the main text. You do not have to be distracted and go to the end of the document, and then return back. How to install footnotes in the text?

Work with finished text

The text is ready, and the author wants to make some clarifications. How to do it?

  • Mouse cursor post after a word that needs explanation.
  • Allocate it.
  • Go to the "Links" tab.
  • Choose the "Insert link" item (or "insert a footnote").
  • Next to the highlighted word and at the end of the page (below the line), the serial number of the link will appear.
  • Under the line you type the text - explaining the comment or the source of the information provided.

The first sequence number is "1" ("A"). You can pass through the numbering either on every window to start again from the unit.


The question of further location of the footnotes can be solved even before writing text.

  • Go to the "Links" section.
  • In the "Footnote" block, click the icon in the bottom corner to the right - a small arrow in a square.
  • You have a window to install the format, location and features of reference numbers.
  • In the column "Provisions" choose the point "Footnings".
  • In the drop-down list, specify the position of the links - the text will be placed in one or more columns, whether through the document will be through the document, which symbols to indicate the footnotes will be used.
  • Next, press the "Apply" key.

How to make footnotes in the Word: Place the explanation at the end of the document

End footnotes are most often used to indicate the literature referenced by the author when submitting information. They can be located either at the end of the entire document, or by the results of each section. Set such links in several ways.

Work with a Ready Document

  • Install the mouse cursor next to the word that requires explanation.
  • Go to the "Links" tab.
  • In the "Footnotes" section, find the item "Insert a terminal footnote".
  • Click on it.
  • In the place where the cursor was installed, a symbol appears, and at the end of the document - a horizontal feature with a similar designation.
  • Under the line Write your comment.

Preset link

Specify the features of the location and numbering of end footnotes, you can still at the planning and structure structuring.

  • In the Link tab, go to the "Footnote" block.
  • Click an arrow icon in the bottom corner right.
  • In the window that appears, mark the item "End footnotes" and their location is the end of the text or partition.
  • Go to the selection of characters to denote links and type of numbering.
  • Click the "Apply" key.

Footnotes in Word: Features of application

If you have comments on each page, it is enough just to determine their appearance (by the number of columns) and the designation.

  • When the text there are chapters, partitions and in each such unit will go the numbering - be sure to install the "section break". To do this, go to the "Page Markup" - "Razdings" - "section breaks". Choose the "Next Page".
  • In some cases, the author prefers for different chapters or paragraphs to establish various footnings. To do this, in the link parameters, when selecting the number format, select "Apply" - "to the current section".

Competently arranged footnotes in the text significantly facilitate the perception of the stated material.

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