How to remove an empty page in the Word

How to remove an empty page in the Word

Beginner Users Text Editor Word. Often experience difficulties when making your texts. This is due to the fact that the text formatted by different ways may look completely equally. At the same time, it is necessary to work with it in different ways. This article shows how to delete empty pages. The algorithm of action is the same as for Word. 2003 and for 2007, 2010 and 2013.

Open the editable document and put the cursor to the empty page that we want to delete.

To find out how this empty page was created, go to the main menu in the paragraph group, there is a show or hide formatting signs, and click it. Or you can simultaneously click on the keyboard three Ctrl + Shift + 8 keys.

On a blank page on each line there is a paragraph symbol ¶, it appears after pressing the key Enter. And denotes the transition to another string. In this case, allocate these signs and delete them using keys Delete. or Backspace..

On a blank page visible page break icon. Put the cursor before it and press the key Delete..

In this case, the visible formatting marks do not affect the algorithm of our work to remove the page. They only help to see that the page is not really empty. Removing the signs used to create a page, delete the page itself. To hide the formatting signs, press the same button as to turn on their display.

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