How to remove the background in the Word

How to remove the background in the Word

Often working with various documentation, a person faces colored pages. Similar design is carried out in order to highlight any text or give a whole page importance.
Unfortunately, the various colors applied in the design of the page interfere with visual contact with the text. For this reason, a person often wonders How to remove the background in the document " Word", In fact, everything is very simple.

How to remove pages background in Word

  • Open the text document "Microsoft Word". Go to the "Design" section located on the top line of the screen.

  • Before you will appear row menuThe right is the "Color of Page" function, click on it. Next, you will see a table of colors, select the appropriate and read the background or click on the "No color" icon and continue.

How to remove the background in the table in the Word

  • Highlight the entire table or a separate part of it using the cursor.

  • Right-click on the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe table. The menu will appear before you, select "Table Properties".

  • Next will pop up the function window, go to the section "Borders and Pouring".

  • Select the color of the fill or specify on its absence, the background color and type. By starting Operations Press "OK".

How to remove background in a diagram in the Word

  • Highlight the diagram by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

  • Next, using the right mouse button, open the function menu. Open the section "Format of the Chart Area".

  • Choose the fill type or click on the option "No Pouring".

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