How to write in the Word vertically

How to write in the Word vertically

Microsoft Office is famous for its variety of functions. Sooner or later, the person who began working in the Word faces a dilemma, how to write text vertically. There are 3 ways of writing text in a vertical position.

Vertical text in Word using a table

  • This method is the most common to create vertical text in Microsoft Word. To do this, you must open the "Insert" tab and select the name "Table".
  • Next, create a table that consists only of one cell. The table appears in the form of one line, set the text you need. By right-clicking, click on the table, thereby calling the menu where you select the "Direction of Text" function.
  • After, a window opens where we have to choose the direction of the text from the two proposed, namely - with at the top down or bottom up. Often choose the direction of the text from the bottom up.
  • You can also adjust the height, the width of the table, fed to your text. And in conclusion you can make the face of the table transparent. To do this, we produce the right click with the mouse and choose from the proposed "fill borders". In a new window, select the "Borders" tab and the "no" type. After these actions, the borders of the table disappear.

Vertical text in Word with inscriptions

  • So we approached the second way. In the "Paste" tab, select the "Inscription" function.
  • In the window that opens, enjoy your inscription.
  • Making a double click on the frame, appear on the new features panel. Of these, choose the "direction of text". In order to remove the inscription contour, press the "text circuit", then there is no contour.

Vertical text in the Word "in the column"

The third way of writing text is carried out in such a way that the inscription is in a vertical position, and the letters in the horizontal. This method is used when writing texts that long in one line. To use this method, we print each letter from a new line using the "Enter" key. Also adjust the interval so that the distance between the lines is not too big and the word looked in one whole. If there is a space between the words, then in the vertical press twice "input". We looked at 3 ways to write text in a vertical position, choose to use you how to use. Do not stop at the Microsoft Word Lasting!

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