How to remove the numbering of pages in the Word

How to remove the numbering of pages in the Word

If during the writing of the next document in the Microsoft Word program you are faced with the numbering of the pages, which is currently absolutely not needed, follow the simple stages of the elimination of this problem:

How to remove the numbering of pages in the Word - the first option

  • Double click the left mouse button by page number.
  • When the number is highlighted, a new tab called "Designer" will open in the program header.

  • In the upper left corner, find the page "Page number".
  • Click and select "Delete Page Numbers".

  • After that, do not forget to close the tab "Designer" by clicking on the big cross with the inscription "Close the footer window",
  • Numbering removed, now you can work.

Second option to remove the numbering of pages in the Word

If the first step does not work in your Word version, try the following scheme that applies to all versions.

  • go to the "Insert" tab,
  • find the phrase "page number",

  • by clicking on it with the left side of the mouse, proceed down and click "Delete pages",
  • the numbering disappeared.

You can return the numbers back in exactly the same way by selecting the bottom or top footer you need, and what rotation is relative to the middle preferable. To secure the material and greater visibility, see the video below:

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