How to remove from the title page number page

How to remove from the title page number page

Working with the program "Word" is a set of skills needed by a modern person. Registration of reports, applications, scientific and course works, abstract research - all this requires the knowledge of the formatting of the document. As a rule, problems occur when the footers change - the part of the printed sheet, which displays headers and subtitles, numbering pages. About the last paragraph and will be discussed in this material.

Adding and removal from the title page number page

Picture numbering - already familiar function, widely used in the preparation of any scientific research of the print format. In order to use this option in a text editor, you need to go to the "Insert" tab and start working with a footer, which can be displayed both on top of the printed sheet and below. Standard numbering is a footer located in the middle of the page specified in the form of a number or number. In order to implement the specified document formatting, it is necessary:

  • On the "Insert" tab, click on the "Page Number" function.
  • Then click on the subparagraph "bottom of the page".
  • Select the sample - "simple number 2".

You will see many other options for posting the page numbering of the document. Accordingly, you can change the location of the room on the page (on the left, on the right, from above, etc.), depending on the requirements filed to the preparation of your work. However, the selected numbering type will be applied, starting from the first sheet, without taking into account the title. In order to get rid of the excess number, you need:

  • Go to the "Insert" tab.
  • Click on subparagraph "Page number".
  • Select the desired type of numbering.
  • Left-click on the "Specific footer for the first page" command.

Thus, every sheet of your work will be numbered, with the exception of the first, title, sheet.

Deleting document numbering

Sometimes there is a need to remove the specified page numbering. To perform this simple command, you must perform the specified actions algorithm:

  • Go to the "View" tab.
  • Click on the team "Marking page".
  • Selecting a "footer".
  • Clicking the page number (Dialog box should appear for the number formatting).
  • Click on the "Delete" command (or "Delete").

Adding an initial page number other than 1.

The numbering of the document can be started from any number. This option is a useful tool if you need to continuously numb two different documents. To execute the command, you need to perform the following:

  • Go to the "View" tab.
  • Select the "Page Markup".
  • On the "Document Elements" panel, click on the columns column.
  • Click on the function "Page".
  • Click on the "Format" key.
  • In the "Start with" field, set the necessary value. For example, "Start with 21".
  • Click on the team "OK".

Thus, the document will be numbered in order, starting with the designation 21.

Work on the design of research will seem trivial and easy if you master the basics, get to knowing you closer with the text editor "Word". And formatting and changing documents will take a few minutes if you spend some time to explore the above article. And let everyday affairs be in joy!

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