How to make the content automatically in the Word

How to make the content automatically in the Word

Often there is a need to type text. With the formatting and use of special functions in people who rarely use text editors, difficulties arise. In order to structure information, you need to know how to make automatically content in the Word. If you need to write a long article, a report or a whole book, a convenient table of contents will have to be, and you can form it in a few minutes.

How to make the content automatically in the Word - Necessary Materials

While working on text, you do not need to constantly recalculate the number of pages and add new items in the table of contents. The writers of the twenty-first century are typing only a few teams, and the program will do everything herself. To create a colorful content, you only need a computer installed on it Word and the skill to press the keyboard.

Creating content in the Word

  • For familiarization, work is presented with a version for Windows, but in previous versions the procedure is practically different. Create a new clean document. To do this, click File Points - "Create" - "Text Document". Or press the Ctrl + N key combination.
  • Record the content items. List in order the main chapters, place the paragraphs between them and so on. Each name of the content item must stand on a separate line. For your list, you can select one or more pages, it does not matter.
  • Mark headlines and subtitles, for this, use the styles window located in the main tab "Home". It is intended to change the appearance of the article. With it, the set of words turns into a neatly decorated text message to readers. Large chapter can be designated first level heading. For a small subparagraph, the "Title 2" is suitable or even marked 3.
  • Now format the subheadings. For this, exactly also apply to styles. Do not leave the subtitles without formatting. It is the Style "Title" gives the editor to understand that the fragment in question is part of the table of contents.
  • Turn the workpiece into full-fledged content. Go to the Link tab. On the right side, click the icon with the inscription "Table of Contents". Different types of content will appear in the drop-down menu. Choose anyone and enjoy the result. As the text is written, the list of chapters with page numbers will change itself. While the text is not written, you will see from the right side of the name items in the number one.

Editing records in Word

  • In the future, to make edits, right-click and select the "Update Field" item in the drop-down list.
  • When writing a paper, consider that all paragraphs who are assigned the Style "Title" will be in content. Important subtitles that should not be reflected in the list Select bold or italics.
  • Observe nesting levels. Inside a big chapter, place small headers, the second type subtitle must include the sub-paragraphs of the third and so on.

4) The advantages of the built-in function in the Word

Using styles, you can create countless beautiful tables. Automatic content is convenient in cases where it is necessary to process volumetric material. At the same time, there is no need to manually rewrite the names of each partition and make the numbering.

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