It is impossible to work with a computer without a text editor, and Microsoft Word is considered the best and most popular ones. After all, the developers managed to include so many useful functions into a simple program. Graphic editor, diagram designers, table drawing and many others. But to understand all these menus, buttons and other services is not easy, and questions constantly arise, for example, about page numbering. It is about solving this task that we will talk now.
First, let's look at how to numbered pages in Word 2003. After all, the version remains the most popular among novice users of PC or owners of old computers. After you have opened the desired document, click on the "Insert" button on the control panel. Next, you will open the drop-down menu - select "Page Numbers". You will have a small window where you must specify two parameters: position (where the number will be placed - at the top or bottom) and alignment (right or left, outside or inside the center position). Also, press the "Format" key, in the lower right corner you can select the type of numbering of the villages - alphabet or digital.
The later build of Word 2007 is fundamentally different from the previous one, and all available functions are placed in several tabs, which is quite convenient and facilitates the search for the necessary options. To number the pages, for the start, go to the "Insert" tab. Here, select the page "Page number", you will have a submenu in which you can specify the location of the number on the page (at the top below or on the sides). Here there is also a "Format" button by clicking on which you can define the type of numbering (again, letters or numbers) and the page with which the numbering will begin. To do this, put a marker in the "Start with:" point and select from which number the document will start.
If you have new versions of Word, such as 2010 or 2013, the numbering process of pages is similar to 2007. The differences between them only in a small graphic component that you will see by comparing the placement of buttons and tabs, as well as the appearance of the whole. So you should not have big problems with them.
In addition, the problem may occur if you want to exclude a title page from the numbering. The fact is that the numbers should begin with the second page of the document and with the numbers "2", because the first cover will be considered. But despite the above-mentioned complexity of the task, it is quite simple to do it. First, praise numbers, as usual, from the first page, now go from the "Insert" menu to the "page markup". A little to the left of the center of the panel you will see the page "Page Settings", and next to the right - a small gray square button with a cross. By clicking on it, you will open a new window, where you need to check the box opposite the "first page" item in a small frame of the "distinguish footers" menu.
We hope that in this article we were able to answer all questions that relate to the numbering of pages in Word, and you now place the document correctly.