How to Translate Text in Word

How to Translate Text in Word

You have to prepare a report, abstract or diploma, and found the necessary information only in PDF format? Do not rush to despair, you do not have to dial all this manually, there are methods for transferring such a file in Word. Which? Read further.

If you do not often encounter the need to transfer text from PDF format in Word, it is easier to use the online service Please note that the page has two bookmarks with different vord document formats, select the second option if you want the document to be read in all Microsoft Word releases, then click on the button "Select File" and specify the path to the PDF file on your computer. After he boasts, press "convert". In a matter of seconds, the downloaded file will appear in the download bar with the .doc format. Open it and browse the result of the conversion. Of course, the text will have to be corrected, but it is much faster than to recruit it entirely.


If you have faces the task to translate to Word, say, several chapters of a single PDF file containing a pair of volumes of books, it will be better to do with OCR programs that recognize optical signs and convert them into text characters. The most famous from them: ABBYY FineReader (download here), Cuneiform (download here), Omnipage and Readiris (when downloading these two programs from the network, be alert, most links contain viruses!).


On the example of CUNEIFORM we will analyze the actions algorithm when reformatting the document. Under the top menu, click on the "Magic Wand" icon, when you hover the cursor, a "Wizard of Recognition" will appear on it. In the window that opens, select "Open from a disk", specify the path to the file, in the search window in the lowest field "File Type" Select "All Files (*. *)", Open the desired, click Next. As a language, it is recommended to choose Russian-English, because in the texts there are inserts in a foreign language. In other cases, you can leave the standard settings of the recognition wizard. After completing the work, a Vordovsky document will open, which can be appointed and saved to your computer. For convenience, you can open the initial version of the document in PDF format here. To do this, in the top menu, click on the "window", select "Cascade", then place the windows as you need, and make the necessary adjustments.


Instead of PDF files, you can create documents also thanks to program-converters. These include: ABBYY PDF Transformer (download here), Pdf2word (download here), Verypdf PDF2WORD (download torrent here), Free PDF to Word Converter, Solid Converter PDF (download here) and Tweak PDF Converter (download torrent here).


It is the developers of the Adobe Reader program that are authors (if you can say that) PDF format, therefore it is advisable to use the standard functions of this program to transfer the text to the DOC document format. You can download Adobe Reader from the official page. do this, click on the site "Set Now" button in the lower right corner. After the initialization starts and the installation file will appear in the download band.


Click on the installation file twice, wait until the program setup wizard is full, then click on the "Complete" button.


You can run the program by clicking on the label on the desktop, or through the "Start" menu.


Open the PDF file in the program, then click on the "File" - "Save as another ..." - "text". After a few seconds, the program will create a text document in the same folder, the content of which you can easily be transferred to the Word.


Select the most convenient way for you to transfer files, feel free to use it, saving your time on packing text manually.

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