How to make a landscape sheet in the Word

How to make a landscape sheet in the Word

When building diagrams, tables or flowcharts, it is more convenient to display them in landscape format. Another type of document is suitable for the location of images, or in the case when there is a need to place information on one page, and in the book orientation it simply does not fit. Then it makes sense to change the orientation of the page on the landscape. In the default Word, all pages of the document are exhibited in the book orientation. You can easily change in MS Word.

The article will show an example of a sheet transformation into landscape in MS Word 2016. Although there is no particular difference with previous versions of MS Word.

What you need to make the album sheet in the Word

In order to change the layout of the document in the Word from the book on the landscape need:

  • create a new document. To do this, click on the right mouse button on the desktop or specially created folder;
  • in the menu that appears, select "Create", in the dropout submenu, select "Microsoft Word" document;
  • open it;
  • in the document that opens, go to the tab "Layout" or "Page Markup" in the older versions of the Word;
  • on the Open tab of the "Orientation" menu and select "Landmark".

All, Document page is ready.

If we are talking about the previously created document, then you just need to open it and make the same manipulations as with a new document.

It is important not to forget to keep changes in the Fal.


How to make a landscape sheet in the Word only one document page

If the document has more than one page, and album needs to be done only one:

  • Install a flashing cursor on the desired page.
  • Go to the tab "Layout" or "Page Markup".
  • Click on the small arrow located in the lower right corner of the first part of the "Layout" menu.

  • At the bottom of the window, select "Apply to the current section", and on top to select the desired orientation of the document.
  • Click OK.

When you want to do not alone, but several pages in the landscape document, then we do this procedure for all necessary pages.

MS Word is a great tool for working with documents, it is very easy to change the form of a page orientation with books to landscape. This can be made literally two clicks. Go to the "Layout" tab and select the desired orientation.

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