How to remove lags in the warface

How to remove lags in the warface

Nick not like, when video games lagate. Especially this is interferes comfortable game on network. W. lags maybe to be several reasons: bad the Internet or bad « iron» – outdated components computer, not relevant systemic requirements. Our taskreveal cause and decide her.

1Disable all outsiders programs to remove lags in Warface

How would banal n.  sounded, costs do this is v first queue. If w. you weak the Internet, then not wise, what programs, eating traffic, not leave his game. Also if your PC not enough powerful, great number background program maybe affect on performance. Separately costs mark antivirus: his too costs disable. V some defenders computer provided game mode, which the reduces number resources, consumed antivirus., but this is not always effectively.

2Verify systemic requirements to get rid of lags in Warface

Maybe to be so, what your a computer or notebook simply not maybe fine launch warfex fromper togo, what his not grabs power. Here output only one: buy new a computer or change his components on more modern.

Or same speed internet, which the you use, smaller toy, that need for comfortable games without lags. Then simply go on more quick rate.

3Problems with compatibility as a cause of lags in a warface

The game maybe lathe, a then and at all pull out fromper problems with compatible. it easily to correct:

  1. Run v properties games, press right button on label and semit corresponding paragraph v dropping menu(usually he at the bottom).
  2. Open tab « Compatibility» ( above; usually last in second row).
  3. V window « Mode compatibility» put tick about « Run program v mode compatibility with:».
  4. Below click on menu with dropping list and choose Windows 7.
  5. Click « OK» and play.

4Check out a computer on viruses from lags in Warface

Strongly reduce performance systems can viruses, o which you not know. Sosame they can influence on speed internet, what v total too will lead to lagam v game. Make full check systems with help antivirus. Desirable not use the Internet in time of this process.

5Reduce settings graphics to get rid of lags

If your a computer not maybe boast of advanced iron, try reduce settings graphics. V most cases this is helps get rid of from lags. For of this:

  1. V the main thing menu run v settings.
  2. Open tabGraphics".
  3. Disable vertical synchronize, high quality icons, smoothing and blur v movement, remove tick with relevant row.
  4. Put texture, shaders and other on minimum (v dropping menu choose paragraph « Low»).
  5. Save settings, press button accept.

6Cleaning computer with help special program

Programs CCleaner, Auslogics. Boostspeed. and them similar created specially for cleaning systems and improvements performance.

V selected program to you necessary clear system from unnecessary files, clear registry and do defragmentation.

7Change registration on more easy by lags in Warface

On very business even registration windows maybe strongly down performance. That's why in time games better change his on simple, but not requiring many resources. For of this:

  • Open panel office => System and security.
  • Choose tab « System» => Additional options systems => Speed.
  • V opened tab click button Options.
  • Click on « Provide best speed».

8Change priority games from lags

This operation will do so, to more resources stand out on game, a not on background processes. For of this:

  1. Launch game.
  2. Press keys Ctrl+Alt.+Del launch dispatcher tasks.
  3. Run in tab « Processes».
  4. Click right button mice on game (Game..eXE).
  5. V appeared window find inscription « A priority».
  6. V dropping menu choose paragraph « Real of time».

Hope, what our advice helped to you cope with lagami v game warfex. Now you will be able to enjoy comfortable game.

Comments leave a comment
Lol. 01/05/2018 at 16:16

no, no helped

To answer
Denis 07/16/2018 at 16:15

Thank you, really helped! 🙂

To answer
Igor K. 02/23/2019 at 10:03.

THX! A very useful page, especially on a priority, a small addition on Windows 10 (Task Manager - Game 32 Bit - Details - Game.exe - Set Priority - High), and do it always need to go to the game, and then after restarting the machine returns On the usual one.

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