How to add rows to the table

How to add rows to the table

Tables in text documents are used everywhere, for making and maintaining data in a certain order, if necessary, with characteristics and detailed description. There are cases when you inserted a table in the text, enter the data, but it turns out, did not calculate the number of rows. How to be in such a situation? Regardless of the version of the MS Word text editor, MS WORD 2003-2007-2010-2013, there are several ways to solve this problem.

To start work, you need to open the Word document itself. Run the new document using a shortcut or open the existing table in which the number of rows should be changed.

Will open a worklist Word. Go to the table to the place where you need to add a line, and move the cursor to the left of the table to appear in a plus in the circle, to add a string, click on it - the number will increase by one. Rows will be added down. Press until you get the desired number of rows.

There are some more ways to add a line. In the process of entering the necessary data into the table, proceed from one cell to another by pressing the Tab key. When you reach the end of the table, press the TAB, the cursor will jump down to the newly created string. If you need to add a few rows, press the TAB key until their number increases to the desired one. Now continue to enter data.

Another simple reception of the additives of the string into the table using the ENTER key. Put the mouse at the end of the desired string, press ENTER (this may be the beginning or middle of the table). The new line will appear below the one in which the cursor was located before pressing ENTER. This method is inconvenient by the fact that the new line will be added only down from the current.

Select the number of rows as it is required to add, the window will pop up, in it, click "Insert" - "Paste the bottom". There is also an option to "insert from above." After marked lines, new, their number will be equal to how much it was allocated at the beginning. Depending on the selected version of the line is added or from above, or below.

This method is similar to the previous one, but manipulations are carried out through the context menu. Place the cursor on that line below which the next one will be inserted, click on the right mouse button open the context menu. Next, "Paste" - "Insert Rows from the bottom."

If you are using a Word of the older version, for example, 2003, add strings you can also via the PCM context menu. But by default, the rows will be added above the selected. For the correct insert, do the following. To the left of the table click on the left mouse button so that the entire row is separated. Press the table "Table", subpact "Insert", "Lines below".

There are many ways to insert a string in the table, each can choose for yourself the most suitable. With the help of the above receptions, you can add rows not only at its end, but also in the middle of the table and even before the first string. Carefully fulfill the proposed instructions, and you will succeed. Good luck!

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