How to add exceptions in Kaspersky

How to add exceptions in Kaspersky

Users who have Kaspersky Anti-Virus are often encountered with unwanted blocking of pages in browsers and their contents. Enter the list of unwanted software applications with extended EXE. Usually these are launchers of network games or simply not liked the program / File Antivirus. How to avoid this?

For such situations, the developers of the antivirus program have provided an exception function that is a list of trust files. Make the desired object exceptions are manually. To do this, open Kaspersky, clicking on the label twice, or press the right-right corner of the screen with the right mouse button on the icon. Choose the Setup item.

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In the window that appears, go to the Advanced tab and choose the point of threat and exceptions. We read the text, in the "Exceptions" paragraph, the blue color is highlighted to "configure exception rules" - click.

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An additional empty exception ruler program has opened. In the lower right corner, click Add. A window adding a new exception ruler opens. Press the Overview key to select the file that the antivirus recognizes undesirable and blocks, add. No ticks do not need to clean. In the "Comment to Rule" field, you can specify that it is for the file that you added and why. Click the Add button.

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If all steps are made correctly, you will return to the exception rules window, where the path to the added file with the status will now be specified. Close the Anti-Virus window, run your file and make sure Kaspersky more "does not swear". To make another object, repeat the 3rd point.

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To unlock the site and add an antivirus to a trusted list, follow these steps. Open Kaspersky, select the Setup item. We enter the Protection tab. We descend using the scroll bar until I see the web-antivirus tab - click.

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In the window that appears, at the bottom, the "Extended Setup" item is highlighted in blue - we are here. The Advanced Web Anti-Virus options window opens. Next, clay item "Configure Trusted Web Pages".

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An additional empty window trusted web pages has opened. In the lower right corner, click the Add button. In the "Address Mask (URL)" field, enter the address of the locked site. Change the status on actively and click Add.

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With the correct execution, you will return to the Trusted Web Pages window, where the address added address will appear with the status actively. To make another web page address, repeat the action of the 7th point.

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If the site contains unwanted information and you do not want the contents of the page to see the child, use the Parental Control function to block the URL. Run Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Choose Parental Control. The program requires a password, enter the desired and click the Continue button. Password is needed to avoid unlocking an unwanted site. Password scope only on the management of parental control, the remaining ticks remove and press Create a password.

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In the Parental Control window, slide the slider to the right to enable control. Click Configure Limitations. In the Internet tab, check the ticks, as in the screenshot. Close the program window.

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Now you can easily add your favorite sites and programs to a trusted list. And unwanted resources will block with the help of parental control, connecting your child.

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