How to update Kaspersky

How to update Kaspersky

The popular Kaspersky Anti-Virus reliably protects the system from various roses of threats, but for its successful work requires constant updates. New viruses and other malware appear every day, and skipping updates to their bases, you risk the fact that your defender will miss a "fresh" virus that infects the entire system. To prevent this, you should know the features of Kaspersky update settings.

If you have just installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus, it should be updated immediately, because even the latest versions of the program can go out with outdated databases. By installing the antivirus, you will see the settings window where the "Update" option will be. Click this button to upgrade.

In the next window, confirm the action by clicking on "update".

Your databases have been updated. Now you should configure antivirus update methods. To do this, in the Kaspersky Main Menu, click on the "Settings" button below. In the menu that opens, select the "Advanced" tab from the list, then right click on "Update Settings".

In the menu that opens, mark the automatic download and installation of new versions of the program. This is not the database of viruses, but fixed and improved antivirus modules. If you do not want to change anything, check the option "Do not upload a new version".

The following are settings for update mode. They relate directly to the databases of viruses and therefore require special attention. You can set an automatic update if you do not want to mess with updates. If you want to keep everything under personal control, set the manual update. This is convenient because the automatic update can begin at any time and "eat" computer resources at an inappropriate moment.

You can also set the scheduler antivirus updates by setting a daily or weekly check for updates. In the first case, be sure to specify a convenient time for this check, in the second - and even day of the week. For example, every Monday at 20.00. Do not forget to click on "Save".

If there is no internet or slow and unstable his work to update the antivirus database can be in a special way. To do so, download to a computer where Internet works fine, utility KLUpdater. You can do it from the official site Unpack the archive to a folder and run the file KasperskyUpdater.exe, which will download in the Updates directory database updates.

In the menu, select the interface language to Russian. To do this, go to Settings - Service and in the language label from the list of "Russian".

  V the main menu click « Start». After end of downloading update drag folder Updates on the computer, where no internet. Left point path to this folder v options updates antivirus. V the main menu go v « Settings» – « Additionally» – « Parameters updates» and click on the « Tune a source update». Click on the « add» and select path to folder Updates.

It remains to update the antivirus. Click on the icon in the taskbar, Kaspersky, and by going to the main menu, click "Update" and then "Update". Without access to the Internet it will start to install updates from the added folders.

Update Kaspersky Anti-Virus - business simple. The main thing - do not forget to do it, to defender against viruses and other threats has always been fully prepared. Even the absence of an internet connection can not hurt to install the latest virus definitions.

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