How to update windows 7 to windows 10

How to update windows 7 to windows 10

Technologies do not stand still and in recently Microsoft has released a new operating system. Unlike previous versions, Windows 10 can be obtained free of charge, though until June 29, 2016. You can update the system in several ways.

If you have a licensed version of Windows 7, it will be very simple to update it. To do this, go to the Start menu, select the "Control Panel", then click on "System and Security" and to the Update Center. If you are turned on automatic update, it will immediately be prompted to install a new version of Windows.

If the automatic update is turned off, you first need to install the necessary components and only after that a proposal for installing a new version will appear. In this case, all changes can be returned back and return to Windows 7.

If for some reason it is impossible to install a new version of the OS through the update center, then this can be done through the official website Microsoft.. We go to it and the first thing we see - the update button now.

Downloading the installation file will begin. Next you need to open it double click. A window will appear where the choice is offered to update now or update the system at night. Select the option you like and follow the instructions of the program. It is important for any installation of the installation - it must be connected to the Internet.

If you do not want to update Windows 7 now or update is required to another computer, on which there is no connection to the Internet, you can download the image image and install it at a convenient time. Go to the official website MicroSFT. And you scroll the page before the inscription: "After installing Windows 10, you can proceed to work ...".

Click on "Click here". After the transition, carefully read the necessary conditions and make sure that the computer is suitable for all parameters to install the new version of Windows.

If all parameters comply with the requirements, then click on the "download tool now" button. After downloading, you open the file, agree with the license and select "Create an installation media for another computer". Next, set the necessary parameters: language, release and discharge.

The next item is a selection of media: DVD or USB drive. Do not forget to insert a flash drive if you choose the second option. After loading the image, you can reinstall the system.

This method has both its advantages and cons. When Windows reinstalling will be returned to the 7 version it will be impossible. Of the advantages, it is possible to note the fact that the owners of the pirated version of the system will be able to go to the license version of the product for free.

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