How to roll back Windows 10

How to roll back Windows 10

To date, most PC owners switch to the new version of Windows 10. Surely many have heard that this platform is a practically perfect option for people who use a computer for games, work, entertainment, communication and many other purposes. It is worth noting that the situation is actually about the same. The creators of the platform took into account their past experience, which in some aspects turned out to be failed, and now the operating system looks extremely attractive, both in terms of the interface and in terms of convenience.

Despite all these positive parties, many users remain extremely dissatisfied with the new system. It can be assumed that such a reaction is a consequence of the use of past versions of Windows. Many users take at least a few days to study the changes of the OS, as well as abandon the idea to return to the last version of the system. At the same time, there are several ways to return to the previous version of the OS, if the user still made an update.

Good news is that when you roll back or updates related to Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, as well as Windows 10, the main data on PCs are saved. Accordingly, you can not be afraid to perform updates. However, there are cases when small failures occur when updating the system, and the system worked not entirely correctly. In such a situation, you need to take advantage of the system restoration.

Rollback from Windows 10 through the main parameters of the system. In this case, the rollback can be made extremely quickly and without unnecessary problems. You must go to the "Parameters" of the system that are in the "Start" menu. Next, you need to go to the "Update and Security" section, where the subsection "Recovery" is present. In addition to the standard system restore function, you can detect the "Back to Windows 8" item (another version of the system can be specified). It remains just to click the "Start" button, which will launch the rollback process. For an hour, the user will return to the version of the system that before. It is important to draw attention to that this method of rollback to the last version of the OS is possible only for a limited period of time. Often it is 30 days. After a month of use in the "Restore" section of the return option to the past OS there will be no more. Accordingly, if the user has found some disadvantages in the system, you should roll back as soon as possible. Otherwise you have to restore.

Using Windows 10 Rollback Utility. The utility called Windows 10 Rollback Utility is quite popular among users who regularly install operating systems. The program is an image that takes 200 MB of free disk space. To use the utility, you must start running on behalf of the administrator, after which you select "Automated Repair" on the start screen. Next will be offered systems that can be restored (it is often shown only by one OS, to which you can roll back). Now you can record the OS image to roll back to the CD or on the usual USB flash drive. It is important to keep in mind that recording the image of the data carrier must occur with the help of a reliable program, such as Ultraiso. Also, the utility just in case creates a backup copy of the current version of Windows 10, to which you can return if something goes wrong. Of course, it is necessary to carry out this process extremely carefully, since the error will cost too expensive.

Manual reinstalling Windows. In the event that none of the previous ways to roll back the operating version of the OS, it makes sense to pay attention to the manual reinstalling system. Often this method is used in the case when 30 days have passed after upgrading to Windows 10. Most often, it is necessary to go to the "manual" reinstallation to the section "System Recovery" and return to the factory settings. Often it is a rollback immediately on Windows 7. In addition, you can restore the last version of the system, if the PC owner has a disk or flash drive with a licensed OS. With this scenario, it is enough to use the data carrier and use the autorun when the system is started. Bad news is that with such a rollback files on the system disk will be deleted.

Ease of use of the system is an important question, however, it makes sense to estimate the practicality and other positive parties to Windows 10.

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