How to install windows on a laptop

How to install windows on a laptop

The laptop refuses to work properly and requires an urgent reinstallation of the system - this is not a problem. Under this instruction, you can learn to do complex, but only at first glance, manipulation with a portable device.

To begin with, decide where you will be created by the installation disk - whether it is a bought licensed with a new, more modern system or downloaded by a pirate way the image of Windows and recorded at the minimum speed on the media using "Ultraiso" or "Nero". Record on USB Manufacture using the "USB-HDD +" method, and better if the flashlight has a volume of more than 4 GB. Formatting Before writing an image in the NTFS file system.

Having the desired software on the hands, open To begin with the basic system - BIOS. Install the download from the "CD-ROM" disk or from the USB HDD flash drive by changing the parameters "First Boot Device" in the Advanced Bios Features section. Work the keyboard - in the BIOS, the mouse is inactive. Save the changes to the "F10" and "Enter" or "Y" keys.


Next, determine the disc into optical drive (drive), provided that it is bootable (recorded correctly) or in the USB port. Follow the download from this disk - usually when you hold any keyboard key, the "Windows Setup" starts to work during the power button.

Run the process by following the sequence set by the setup wizard, but keep in mind that if your system disk is not broken on your laptop to two partitions, you need to save all the necessary information in advance, which will be lost during the important and necessary installation steps - formatting.

For these purposes, use any available drive or peroxide files online. storage. In a situation where there are two sections, you will copy the important data into a section that you will not use during Windows installation.

Modern systems contain a complete set of necessary drivers, however, in rare cases (usually it is a driver for a sound card) you have to search for it separately and installed on the portable device additionally. If, after installing the clean system, musical accompaniment did not appear during startup, then try refresh Drivers.

When you stop your choice on the Windows Pirate Copies, do not forget that during the image recording, as well as the installation itself may be accompanied by some difficulties, including the impossibility of launching the "Installation Wizard". The installation files of such a system should not be used, and it is better to look for something more suitable for your laptop.

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