How to install Windows 7 font

How to install Windows 7 font

The Windows 7 operating system includes a large number of fonts that support all the common languages \u200b\u200band writing of the world. Over time, Microsoft and developers create new types that first need to download, and then install on your computer.

The company Paratep is developing new fonts and offers several public fonts for Russians. Go to link And familiarize yourself with the description and samples. To download, it is enough to click on the name and select a folder to save the file.

Here is another useful siteWhere are free access fonts for Photoshop and MS Word. There are Russian and English fonts here. For convenience of search, they are divided into categories: decorative, western, gothic, handwritten, symbolic, contour, pixel, graffiti, penaltious and older Slavonic. Font you like you can save on a computer completely free.

The archived file with fonts is required to unpack, for this right key, click on the file and select "Extract". Each document will have a "TTF" format, which can be viewed.

To install the font, open the document and in the upper corner, click Install. The process will start automatically and takes a few seconds. Installation can be done without opening, simply press the right mouse button and select "Set" in the context window.

Open the Word document to make sure the installation has completed successfully. On the formatting panel in the general font list, find the font that you just downloaded, and you can start working with it.

To delete any font, go to Start → Control Panel → Fonts. To delete, select Font and click "Delete". At the same time, remember that some fonts are necessary for the operation of the operating system.

Use only proven sources to download the font. Use the preview and pictures before downloading to your computer.

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