How to install windows 8

How to install windows 8

Microsoft in 2014 stopped supporting its popular, but outdated XP operating system. Therefore, its users are recommended to switch to more modern versions of the OS. One of the last Microsoft operating systems is Windows 8. We will consider its installation in this article.

Use a licensed boot disk for installation, if you have it. Otherwise make it yourself Using the ISO-image of Windows 8 and the usual DVD or flash drive. If you plan to first study the capabilities of the new operating system, and then purchase it, load the archive with the trial version of Windows 8 to official website Microsoft. Otherwise, you will have to look for a suitable file over the Internet. As soon as the installation flash drive or the disk is ready, check bIOS settings And if necessary, change them. After the system detects the device from the new OS, the Windows 8 loading screen will appear. Wait for the dialog box. If there are several versions of the OS on the installation disk, select the right one.

In the new window, note the preferred language of the system interface, the layout of the keyboard, numerical, cash and temporary formats. After that, click “Next” (“Next”).

If only English is available for installation, do not worry and continue loading the OS. You can change the Windows 8 language later through the "control panel". Press the “Install Now” key.

Then enter the licensed key if you have. For a trial version and unofficial, previously activated systems, it is not needed. Then click “Next” (“Next”) and confirm that you are accepting a license agreement.

The next step is to choose the type of installation. If you are already using Windows, then the system update and partial download for recovery after a software failure are available to you. In this case, press the first point. New customers will be offered a full installation.

Next, a dialog box appears in which you will be offered the size of the system discs. If a new OS is placed on the computer and you do not plan to add one more to it, agree with automatic settings and press “Next” (“Next”).

If the PC did not work on the Windows, you need to format the hard drive. To do this, click “Drive Options” (“Drive Options”), and then “format” (“format”). Wait until the occupied place on the system discs is free.

Only after indicating all the system parameters, the Windows 8 files will start loading on your computer. The recording of the OS lasts about 30 minutes, do not turn off the PC power and do not transfer it to a waiting or sleeping mode.

Upon completion of the installation, the system will reboot. When you re -turn on, it will check the presence of updates. Their installation can also take up to half an hour. At the next time, the OS will ask you to authorize through a Microsoft account (you can skip), enter the name of the computer and user, password (optional). Only after that you will see your new desktop and can evaluate the advantages of Windows 8.

Thus, in order to update the operating system and increase the level of safety of your PC, you will need 1-1.5 hours of free time and a loading disk with an ISO-image. Write down or print the sequence of actions and the licensed key, because during the recording of the new OS you will not have access to the information stored on your computer.

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