How to install drivers on windows 10

How to install drivers on windows 10

On any personal computer, a complete package of drivers must be installed, allowing you to use all the "iron" PC in full. This is especially true if it comes to a powerful computer on which programs are planned to use high-loading video cards, as well as use wireless modules. Installing the most recent drivers will allow you to fully use all the resources of the personal computer, while without hurting it.

Advantages of using drivers on Windows 10

  • Often it is that without drivers, a personal computer does not define a discrete schedule (video card), wireless modules, as well as sound. In Windows 10, automatic driver installation occurs, but in most cases it is outdated software that cannot satisfy the requirements of the user. Fresh drivers from iron producers are always the stability and efficiency of PC.
  • With third-party drivers, you can, for example, increase the performance of the video card. Such experiments are not always recommended to be carried out, however, with standard drivers "acceleration" "iron" is impossible.
  • Flexible system setup is possible only in the case of the use of official drivers to one or another "gland". For example, if we take the video card, then after installing the drivers, it is possible to configure performance, color correction, power consumption and many other parameters.

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Automatic driver installation on windows 10

  • In the event that we go to the Device Manager and see that there are detected devices, you can start searching for drivers.
  • To automatically install the drivers, select the desired device and go to the "Update Drivers" item. Next, the OS will offer 2 options: automatic search for drivers on the Internet, or to search on the personal computer. Of course, when the Internet has access to the Internet, you need to choose 1 item. The operating system will start searching, and then starts uploading driver updates. It should be borne in mind that it can only be a distribution kit that will need to start separately and install. Often, it is not necessary to do any additional actions to install the drivers.
  • Also, the automatic installation of drivers can occur through the "Parameters" section in the Start menu. To do this, you just need to go to the "Update and Security" section, and then click on the "Check for updates" button. If for some reason some drivers did not appear during the installation of the OS, this section will help solve this problem. Together with updates, you can get complete information about the update package.

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Manual installation of drivers on windows 10

Nevertheless, manual installation of drivers is a more correct solution, as we eventually get those drivers that we need. In the case of automatic updating, the system can provide non-optimized, outdated or defective versions of drivers that will not allow to disclose all PC capabilities.

  • First you need to download the drivers from the official sites of the manufacturers of "iron". For example, for AMD video cards, you need to visit the site, and for iron from NVIDIA -\u003dru.. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of drivers for a specific video card, you must again go to the "Device Manager" and see its full name. Also on these official sites you can find special plugins for browsers, which automatically define the necessary "iron" and immediately offer to download the desired driver.
  • Special attention should be paid to whether the driver is suitable for a specific device. Even insignificant at first glance, the differences in the names can significantly affect the performance of one or another "iron". For example, a video card can be threatened with high load and quick breakdown, or vice versa - inefficient use of resources.
  • Often, distributions of drivers can be launched and installed immediately after loading. For this, the "iron" manufacturers create friendly interfaces that allow you to install everything at extremely quickly and without problems.
  • You can also use the standard functionality that is available in the Device Manager section when you select Refresh Drivers. You need to select "Run the driver search on this computer", after which the search will occur.

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