How to find out the font in the picture

How to find out the font in the picture

Aesthetics in the design has not yet been canceled, so the font does not lose its value today. But it happens that you really liked the font seen somewhere on the network, but there is no it in your gadget or you just do not know how it is called. Ask this can the same Internet in which there are quite a few sites for font recognition. We will consider the main of them.

Learn the font by picture through what the font

The most popular font definition service is the product of the largest supplier of the latter - All you need to do is upload a screenshot to the site or a picture with the desired font or insert a link to it in the appropriate string. In response, the system will provide several font options that are most similar to yours. If you don't like one of them, you can ask the answer on the site forum (Font Forum).

In more detail about this method of determining fonts, see the video posted under the article.


Find out the font through the picture through whatfontis

This resource is simple, and at the same time a free way to find out what the font you liked is called. To do this, make a screenshot of the page where you saw it, necessarily capturing a part of the text. You can even take only one string. However, note that the scrup format must be PNG, JPEG, GIF or JPG, and "weight" - not more than 1.8 MB. Here you can filter options - display only paid filters or only free content.


Find out the picture on the picture via Identifont

On this site, the definition system is a bit different - you will need to answer the leading questions regarding the characteristics of the font you need. It will be the features of writing individual letters, numbers (presence / absence of tails, a fusion / separate spelling, etc.) with examples. You will need only to choose the appropriate. You do not need to download a picture here, but the font you want to be in sight of you. Also, given the volume of "survey" of the service, it is better to copy (or scan) a piece of text more - with numbers, dividing signs and a large "assortment" of letters.


Find out the picture on the picture through Bowfin Printworks

On the BOWFIN Printworks font definition system is largely similar to the previous identifon service. That is, you will need to choose the most appropriate writing style of letters in your font. However, the process will go faster here, since all the asked questions are posted on one page.
On this site, you can explore guidelines for such fonts as Script, Serif, Sans Serif, Lined. In addition, any question you are interested in can be asked directly to the service owner by email.


To recognize the font you like, you can only use online services. The answer can be asked on the forums that are on many sites about fonts, photo hosting. You can also search the name of the font in the lists of the most popular fonts on the relevant services (Modern Life Blog, Just Creative Design, Smashing Magazine).

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