How to find out the Windows number

How to find out the Windows number

Sometimes users of different versions of Windows are confused in which version they have, what kind of service pack or activation key. To clarify this question, let's turn to reliable information.

Restoring the lost Windows key

If you need to find out the activation key for your OS (for example, it has come to reinstall, and the code has been lost, forgotten or erased with branded stickers), it is easy to find out through a special scripting file. It looks like shown in the picture below. So, to restore your activation key, create an empty text file in any convenient place and insert the contents in it specified in the image by schoing it "WindowsKey". We maintain changes, simultaneously assigning the extension .vbs. Open the file again and voila - a window appears with the current code for your OS. By reference you can pick up already ready file with all data. Alternative uses PowerShell features and also needs to create a special file, titled module.ps1 (ready). We open the console and write in it PowerShell, thereby launching the same shell. Next, let us perform our scripting file (write set-executionpolicy remotesigned) and connect it using the Import-Module command \\ path to the dock \\. And finally, we carry out our long-awaited script (we write Get-WindowsProduct). We get all the information about keys and activation.

We know the serial number of the Windows program ProduKey.

If there is no desire to understand with scripts, unknown commands and system resources, you can try to restore the "serial" by means of a special program ProduKey.. It is noteworthy that it does not need installation, fully compatible with all versions of the "windows" and can learn the key even at the OS, which does not work and does not load. We do it like this: We put a program on an external medium, connect it to a PC (if Windows does not work - you have to add a program from LiveCD) and run our utility. Select in the "File" -\u003e "Source" folder "Windows" on the disk from:, click OK. The program shows us the key that we immediately rewrite or maintain in a safe place.

How to find out the version of Windows?

If you need to understand, under what version of the OS is your computer, visit official page of the Microsoft website. At the very top there will be a sequence number of your system. To find out its service pack and type (for example, Win 7 is available in seven different assemblies, with unique features), go to the start and right-click on the computer icon. Choose the lowest item "Properties" in the drop-down menu. In the pop-up window, everything is described in detail. The same result we get entering the name "WinVer" without quotes in the start search string. If you completely delve into the subsidy shell of the machine, there is an opportunity to see the Windows version in the registry, proceeding along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion. No less well, this operation is performed by the utility for analyzing the PC configuration, such as Everest or Astra.

Please note - even if there is no urgent need to find out the version or the key of your OS, it is better to detect them in advance. In case of breakdown, this process will become much longer and more difficult.

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