How to install an operating system on a laptop

How to install an operating system on a laptop

Installing the operating system on any computer device is not a time-consuming and complex process. The most attention should be paid to the preparation for installation, for example, copying, transferring already available information to be saved.

Any user who makes the decision to install or reinstall the operating system on a laptop independently, before installation, it is worth taking care of the availability of all necessary drivers for a particular laptop model. If the laptop is new, then the installation discs must be installed with it. If there are no disks, then the driver can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of the device. In the case of reinstalling the OS, you must copy the important files to the unwatching partition of the hard disk or another media (CD, USB flash drive, removable hard disk, etc.).

Install the media on which the installer program contains. Restart the laptop and immediately after its inclusion and before downloading the operating system if it was previously installed, go to the BIOS, for this use the "DEL" or "F2" buttons.

In the BIOS menu, open the tab. Boot Settings or clause Boot. In the tab Advanced " and B.start the necessary download order: with a CD or from a USB flash drive, depending on which the carrier is the operating system installer. To save the settings, click "F10" and "Enter" or select Save Settings and Reboot . After that, a laptop is rebooted.

After waiting for the launch of the operating system installer program, you need to break or reproach the hard disk to the required number of partitions, mark the part that will be formatted and not to mark the one where the information should be saved without changing or loss. Do not forget to leave on the system section a sufficient amount of free space for the comfort of the operating system.

The OS installation occurs automatically for 30-50 minutes. However, it is necessary to be near the laptop, because During the installation process, the program will request some data: product code, location, time, date, time zone, username, language, etc.

After the installer's program is completed, you need to insert a media with files containing the driver for each device in a laptop (sound and network card, video card, etc.), and make the final setting.

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