How to install Linux from flash drive

How to install Linux from flash drive

The Linux Ubuntu operating system can be installed both from a CD and from the flash drive. In the latter case, the installation is quite comfortable: all information on the flash drive remains safe and maintained, and in addition, it will be installed on the computer faster than from the disk. So, the entire process of installing Linux Ubuntu is described below to a computer via a flash drive.

First you need to download the image of the desired version of the system to the computer, through official site. After that, the boot flash drive is created - copying the image to the flash drive will be insufficient to install the system. Further actions to create a loading flash drive differ, depending on the user's operating system. Below will be the ways to create through Windows and Linux.

To create a boot flash drive through Windows, just download the program UnetBootin.. After connecting the flash drive, start it. The procedure is quite simple: at the top Specify the desired distribution (in this case Linux) - if it is supposed to download the image of the system through the program; Or at the bottom in the Diskimage point - if the image has already been downloaded. Then you should select a flash drive as a container, then run the process of creating a loading flash drive. If necessary, you can specify additional. Personal data storage space (Spase Used to Preserve Files Across Reboots).

In case it is supposed to create a bootable flash drive via Linux, you can use the built-in USB-Creator-GTK program. The launch of this utility can be made by pressing the ALT + F2 key combination, or by following the application through the application menu and using the "Creating a boot disk" request.

The process of creating a loading flash drive through the above program is also simple: the directory is specified in the upper part of the program, where the system image is located in the bottom - directly flash drive. If necessary, for a flash drive, you can specify a specially designated amount of memory aimed at saving personal settings and files.

Create boot disk_064.

The stage of creating a loading flash drive on this is completed. Now we need the computer to load it when you turn on as the main media. It is possible that you do not have to make adjustments to the BIOS at all - the flash drive will designate the key carrier by default and automatically boots from it. If this does not happen, you need to enter the BIOS and make some changes to the setting. In most cases, you can enter the BIOS, using the "F2", "F10", "Delete" or "ESC" keys.

When the BIOS input is implemented, the settings panel will open. BIOS versions There is a lot, to describe the course of action on each of them is not possible. Based on what, the AMI BIOS-based Action Algorithm will be described below. In other versions, the BIOS should act in this way, relying on the example below. AMI BIOS find a tab with the name "boot". After that, looking for the item "Hard Disk Drives" and open it.

Our task is to install a USB flash drive as a first media downloaded by a computer at startup. So, in the opened window, select "1st Drive", we find a flash drive and confirm your actions.

Next, in the "BOOT" menu, we are looking for a "Boot Device Priority" item, select "First Boot Device" and put the flash drive in the same way.

After restarting the computer, the installation of the Linux is started from the boot flash drive. Further actions of the installer are determined by the user, before the complete completion of the installation process, the USB flash drive must be connected to the computer.

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