How to choose to boot from the USB drive

How to choose to boot from the USB drive

When you need to install an operating system on the computing device, which does not drive, but there is a USB-connector, the BIOS must be set up with the primary load is not hard drive, a flash drive. Such changes are easy to make by hand.

BIOS - basic firmware system designed to perform a variety of functions, among which there is a programming sequence of carriers from which will be downloading files at startup. In the BIOS, you can manage the tabs with the keyboard:

  • select the tab or category - keys "up», "down», "left», «to the right »;
  • activate - «Enter. »;
  • come out from the tab or category - «Esc »;
  • when you select «Yes "- key«Y. », «Not » – «N. ».

To enable booting from a USB drive, activate in the BIOS USB-controller. Actions for different versions of the BIOS:

  • AMI BIOS: Tab « Advanced"Select count « USB Configuration", Set in front of" USB Function " and " USB 2.0 Controller" meaning " Enabled»;
  • Award BIOS: v « Integrated Peripherals"Select" USB Controller "And set" Enabled»;
  • Phoenix-Award BIOS: tab «Peripherals"Should be" Enabled"Paragraphs" USB Function »and« USB 2.0 Controller».

To enter in the BIOS, press one of the buttons when the computing device - «Del. " or "F2 ». In some versions of the other keys are used BIOS for this purpose: «Esc », «F1 " or«Tab ». In the BIOS screen among tabs, locate and select «Boot » or «Boot settings ». USB-flash-drive is in category « Removable devices"You want to put the first priority.

In the case where a category «Removable devices» no stick, computing device identified USB-flash-drive as a hard disk. Put the first load «HDD » and navigate to the item «Hard disk drive settings »Wherein the first set the stick.

press «F10 ", Further -  «Enter. »Or select «Save settings and reboot "To save the changes and start the reboot of the computer device.

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In order for the computer to boot from the flash drive, you need to make a loading flash drive. This will help you with the WinsetupFromusB program or any other analogue.

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