How to go to safe mode on windows 10

How to go to safe mode on windows 10

Safe mode in the Windows operating system is an important element when configuring and maintaining a computer. With it, you can diagnose a PC, interact with drivers and other software, conduct scanning for viruses and make many possibilities with administrator rights.

Features and differences between secure mode on Windows 10

The main feature of the secure mode in Win 10 is the fact that it does not appear by pressing the F8 key while loading the operating system. If the computer works in normal mode, selectively loading easily through the configuration menu, which is started by the Win + R keys and the command msconfig. In the window that appears, go to the "Load" tab, specify the required OS and leave the flag in the "Safe Mode" clause, as well as select it: Minimum load, with support for the console or network connection. We maintain changes and reboot.

Other ways to go to secure mode on Windows 10

The second method will allow safely booting in two cases: when the OS is still operational and if you do not turn out to go into normal mode. In the first case, we click on the "notifications" in the tray, open "all parameters" -\u003e Item "Update and Security", in it - "Recovery" and "Special Download options". We choose "Reload Now". Alternatively, you can go to "Diagnostics" -\u003e "Advanced Parameters" -\u003e "Download Options" and select the desired version with the keys from F1 to F9.

If the OS is not loaded

In this case, there are also several action options:

  • if the starting screen is visible with the password input field, press the power button, hold SHIFT and select the reboot;
  • if the OS is no longer operational, use the download from the flash drive or the recovery disk. For example, if the media has an image of the system and you have reached the installation window, try to select the "System Restore" item first, next to the Set button.

Using the system USB flash drive or other drive with OS images and service programs, it is easy to call a command line to execute commands and downloads in safe mode. The console will open with hot shift + f10 keys. Teams bCDEDIT / SET Safeboot Minimal or bCDEDIT / SET Safeboot Network Let restart the PC and enter the safe mode (first - for the minimum, second - with network support). Team bCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE SAFEBOOT Allows you to boot in the usual form.

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