How to reinstall Windows 7 through bios

How to reinstall Windows 7 through bios

Login to BIOS To select the order of accessing hard disks and other information media when installing Windows 7 - the item is desirable, but not mandatory. The user can only select the device for downloading through the boot menu. However, if you have rebooted several times to produce other settings in the basic I / O system, it is desirable to know the correct sequence of actions. We will talk about her today and talk.

How to log in BIOS to reinstall Windows 7?

Before dealing with the necessary settings, you still need to get into the BIOS. This is done by pressing a specific hotkee, different for technology from different manufacturers.

"Hot keys" may be Del, Esc, buttons with F1 via F3, as well as F10, Ctrl + Alt + Esc or some other "exotic" combinations. The easiest way to know them on a specific laptop or motherboard model.

A certain problem is able to input to the BIOS on Windows 10 (for the subsequent installation of "seven") with modern, powerful machines. Thanks to the special accelerated download technology, the PC owner is not that read the prompts, but also click on time along the correct key, it will not have time. If this problem is relevant for you, come in:

  • "All Parameters" -\u003e "Update and Security";
  • click "Restore" -\u003e "Special download options";
  • click "Restart Now";
  • after the rebut, in the "Selecting action" window -\u003e "Diagnostics";
  • we find "Advanced Parameters" -\u003e "UEFI built-in parameters";
  • we reboot, get to the UEFI BIOS.

How to reinstall Windows 7 via BIOS - Setting BIOS parameters

When the input attempts are crowned with good luck, we will find yourself in the traditional BIOS interface. However, issues from different companies may differ in the location of sections and points. Therefore, for example, we will look at the AMI BIOS version from American Megatrends:

  • from above using the arrow keys, go to the tab "BOOT";
  • click down "down" and reach the line indicating your input device, which is located the image of Windows 7 ("CD \\ DVD-ROM DRIVE" to boot from the disk, USB HDD - for a flash drive);
  • button "+" put forward in the top list;
  • to preserve our positive progress, click on the F10 button;
  • a window appears with choices, specify "Save and exit" (as an alternative we go "arrow" to the "Save & Exit" tab and persist).

On this, the BIOS configuration is complete, load from your media and follow the recommendations on the screen to install Windows 7. When it is successfully completed, do not forget to return to the bios settings by one of the methods described above and set a new sequence of working with discs. Now in priority there should be a hard drive, which is located "fresh" OS. If this is not done, the PC will be loaded longer, in order polishing the device, and it will not be able to enter the operating system at all.

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