How to hack kaspersky

How to hack kaspersky

Usually, "hacking" Kaspersky implies a search for operating keys or editing the registry with the deletion of files. However, the latter may not work. And the search for keys for Kaspersky Anti-Virus is not very useful. Even finding a working key, it is impossible to be sure that it will not be included in the "black list" and will not block. Therefore, the most faithful and at the same time a rather simple way to use Kaspersky and further is the extension of its trial version. It is designed for a month, but spending some of its time on the steps described below, you can extend the trial period to infinity.

The first thing to do is to turn off the self-defense of the antivirus so that it cannot block changes during hacking. Open the taskbar, right-click on the Kaspersky icon and select "Settings".

In the settings, go to the "Advanced" tab and in the right list click on "self-defense".

Remove the tick with self-defense. Confirm your actions in the prevention window that appears.

Now turn off the antivirus at all. To do this, in the taskbar, right-click on the Kaspersky icon and click "Exit".

The next step is to download a special program that will reset the use of the trial version of the program. To do this, go to link. You will find yourself on the turbobit file sharing, where the program you need is. Select easy download.

Enter the characters depicted in the picture in a special field and click "Download". If they are poorly distinguishable, update them to the right of the picture.

Ignore a proposal for a special file sharing loader, and then a turbo-option for download. These advertising things just take time time. The program is small and boot quickly. Wait a minute until the link appears, then click "Download File".

In your browser, go to "Downloads". Select and open the downloaded archive and run the Kaspersky_reset_trial_4.0.1.27.exe program from it. Since the file is encrypted, you will need to enter the password: reset.. Click OK.

In the running program, you will see the version of your Kaspersky and its status to be noted as "not working". Click on "Activation Reset".

Antivirus will automatically start. Wait until it is completely loaded. You again, like when you first start Kaspersky, you will see an antivirus activation window. Burly to activate the trial version.

In a window with a successful activation message, click Finish.

So, the trial-version counter is reset, and you can use Kaspersky another month, until the next reset or purchase of the official key. Do not forget in the settings to install self-defense and update the viruses databases. It is not worth abuse of hacking programs: you will be waiting for viruses and other malware at every step. Both on sites offering "magic" programs and in the programs themselves. There are good complimentary analogues of Kaspersky, it is possible to pay attention to them and do not jeopardize the work of the entire OS.

Comments leave a comment
Nikola 09/05/2018 at 15:12

Do not treat

Nikola 09/05/2018 at 15:14

come out in Koitakt talk

wing 21/03/2021 at 0:21

and how to go to the settings if he asks the rod


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