How to remove amigo from a computer

How to remove amigo from a computer

The developers of the Amigo browser are determined to introduce their invention into each computer. This is their full right. And the right of the user is to abandon the offer. However, the programmers came up with a lot of tricks so that a pair of careless or inattentive movements, you still launched the installation of the browser to your PC, without not wanting, and sometimes even noticing it. Having found an obsessive guest, do not waste, and if you do not need it, make it removal from the system, based on the instructions below.

Experienced users know that any program is eliminated from a computer not by simply sending a folder with its name to the basket, but through a special master designed to track applications. In Windows XP, Wasta and in Windows 7, it is among the control panel options and is called "Installing and Deleting Programs".

To call the wizard in later versions of the OS, use the pop-up panel to the right, where to go to the "Parameters", and from there in the control panel and on the "Programs and Components". The second way is to bring the cursor to the upper lower corner of the interface and uncover the context menu with the desired command.

Run the named tool. Your attention will open a list of all applications tied to the system. Here you can see how often this or that software is used, how much space it occupies on the disk, you can configure Windows components, install, and most importantly - to correctly remove unnecessary utilities. Therefore, find the next step in the general list of the line in which the amigo browser is specified. The location here is not alphabetically, so you have to carefully scroll through the entire registry to detect the desired item.

Unwanted browser found. Highlight the string with the cursor with it, and the program will appear about the program and the Delete button. In Windows 7 and above, this key is at the top of the window. Boldly press the button. In the request that appears, confirm your desire to the checkmark and specify your favorite browser that will be a priority after the removal of Amigo. Once again, click "Delete". The uninstallation process will be implemented.

To remove most applications of these manipulations, it happens enough, but the creators of the stubborn browser were worked out so that their product is self-established miraculously after expulsion. Therefore, you need to do a couple of steps to completely get rid of the application. Activate the command line with the Win + R keys or go to it through the Start menu - "Run". Drive the command "msconfig" - the system settings / configuration window will open, depending on the version of the OS. Go to the Tapload tab and look for MailRupdater among the components, remove the mark next to it. From the proposed reboot while refrain, there are two more actions before completion.

Go to the task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del or through the control panel) and in the Process Panel, stop the MailUpdater (Complete Process button "). In active state, it is not deleted.

Take care of the patience and once again go to the command line. Write in it for Windows XP: C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Application Data \\ Mail.Ru, and for windows 7 or 8: C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ MailRuwhere "username" is your account in the operating system. As a result, you will directly fall into the folder where the Mailuupdater is a loader. Remove it in the usual way, moving to the basket, and restart the computer. Now work on the liberation of PCs from undesirable software is fully implemented.

You deleted Amigo from your computer device, but this does not mean that he will never appear there. It is enough to show inattention again when installing programs or visits sites, as the browser can again be leaked to your disk. To avoid this, increase your vigilance and observation, carefully read all the conditions when installing new software products or download files from Internet resources. The appearance of an undesirable component on the computer can always be prevented, in time, removing the tick or refusing the proposed action.

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