How to create a shortcut on the desktop

How to create a shortcut on the desktop

Label is an icon of any file that is created for quick access to content. For example, a folder with photos is located on a "local disk (D :)", and you can open it when you go to "My Computer" by clicking on the hard disk and finding the cherished folder among the many others. Alternative option - make a label to the folder with images and place it on your desktop. So the user of the computer instantly will be "on the spot", simply by clicking on the icon. In this article, we will learn how to create labels of folders, documents and applications on the desktop.

Why not load a photo immediately to the desktop?Filling a desktop "heavy" files, you significantly reduce the amount of memory on the system disk. Ultimately, such actions will lead to a strong slowdown of the computer and long loading after switching on or sleep. The label weighs only a few kilobytes, which is thousands of times less than one high-quality photo.

Snimok Ekran 2015-05-14 16.54.33

  What does the label look like? The label is something outwardly identical to the file icon on which the label is created, and is the same name with the addition of the word "label". The only difference is that the shortcut in the left corner appears a shooter. If you dig deeper, the label expansion is ".ink".

Znimok Ekran 2015-05-14 17.17.17

How to create a shortcut? Select the desired folder / file and click on it right key mouse. A dialog box appears in the form of a long list. Search for a list "Create a shortcut", click.

Znіmok Ekran 2015-05-14 13.59.27

Instantly on the same disk a folder label will appear. Click on it right mouse button (PCM) and select "Cut". Switch to the "Desktop", open the mouse dialog box and click "Paste". Now the icon appeared on the desktop.

Znіmok Ekran 2015-05-14 14.01.36

There is another way to create a label. Also click the PCM on the folder and hover over the "Send" string. A small window will appear where you click on the "Desktop (Create Label" item. A quick access icon will appear on the desktop instant to the desktop.

Znіmok Ekran 2015-05-14 14.06.15

How to create a label "Computer" on the desktop?Open the Start menu and find the "Computer" string. Click Edit Mouse click on the line and select "Display on the desktop". Now you can quickly enter the section with hard drives directly from dexte. Alternative to create icons on slave. The table is dragging. Go to the "Start", and then drag the "Computer" string to the free place of the screen by closing the left mouse button. A computer label appears.

Znіmok Ekran 2015-05-14 15.19.13

How to create a shortcut to start the game / app?We are looking for a folder where the game is installed. Then we find the icon with the logo of the game. Usually two or more such icons. To determine which we need, see the "type" file. If the "icon" is specified - does not fit, "application" is what you need. Right-click on it, select "Send" and "Desktop (Create a Label). Now you can run the game from the desktop. The same actions are performed to create a shortcut from any programs and files with the extension ".exe".

Znimok Ekran 2015-05-14 15.40.36

Looking at the video, you will securely secure knowledge to create quick access to any documents on your computer. We wish you success!

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donil Dovovdov 02/22/2015 at 8:36.


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